Oliver + S

Blog spamming???

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    Violaisabelle @Violaisabelle

    I’m not sure what’s going on, but thought I would ask if anyone else is having the same difficulty.

    I commented on the blog give away this morning and I know I did not hit the button to let me know when others have posted comments to the posting. However, I am getting every single comment sent to my inbox. Is anyone else having this happen?

    Is there a way to get this rectified? I can’t keep up with the cleaning up of my inbox. 😉

    Thank you,


    JohannaO @JohannaO

    When you make a comment, there is a box to check- “notify me of other responses by e-mail.” Go back and un-click that, and it should stop.

    Todd Gibson

    I checked and you are subscribed to comments on that post. Perhaps you hit the checkbox by accident. I tried to turn off your subscription, but I don’t think I was able to. It looks like it’s something you’ll have to manage from your side. Sorry about that.

    Violaisabelle @Violaisabelle

    I hope I am successful in getting it turned off. I was hunting for a way to get it shut off, but failed. I now located the ‘unsubscribe’ and checked off the box. Thank you.

    I do not believe I hit the subscribe button. Actually something else happened to my account a few days back and I was going to post that in the other thread someone started regarding their account, https://oliverands.com/forums/topic.php?id=627. I was unable to log into my account for some strange reason. I tried many times, but failed so I just let it go. Came back the next day and I could log in….strange!

    Thanks for the help,


    Nicole @motherof5

    Every now and then I can’t log in,I think the site is just having a bad day! It usually works again after a few hours-don’t worry!

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