Oliver + S

Best book on overlockers/sergers?

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    Linda @Knitting1

    Hi ladies,
    Which book would you recommend on using an over locker/serger? I don’t want one that has ‘projects’ to make, but I like a nice meaty read, so something comprehensive.

    I am a beginner though have been using my machine fairly well so far, for basic stuff. I can thread it OK. It’s a Juki 634DE, though I don’t know if thats of any relevance when buying a book.

    I’ve looked at the internet for tutorials though I prefer reading. Perhaps you don’t think I need a book? Thank you in advance,Linda

    Nicole @motherof5

    I have a Juki and it came with a manual, of sorts. I find that has all the information I really need to know but I must admit I probably don’t use all the features.
    I tend to Google and then pinterest any links I need.
    Sorry not to be more help.

    Linda @Knitting1

    No, that IS helpful, thanks Nicole. I hadn’t thought of using Pinterest to keep info,- that’s a good idea. I use Pinterest a lot so I will definitely do that. As I said, not sure if I do need a book. I’m a bit of a Luddite and tend to think of getting info from books rather than via the internet- my family laugh at me and keep saying, “Google is your friend.” !

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Oh yes, good tip to check Pinterest! I’m in the same boat as you, Linda. I’m pretty sure these machines do much more than just neatening edges, I just haven’t taken the time to explore.

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