Oliver + S

Adding length to finished pants

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    Kim @kmac0107

    I just finished the pants in fine wale corduroy, in a size 2 with a size 3 length. My granddaughter is 38 inches tall which falls under size 3. After hemming (fold 1/2 inch, then fold 1 inch again) they are 1 inch too short. What is the best way to add length. I removed the stitches in the current hem and tried a narrow hem but it doesn’t look good and I think it might roll. I am thinking about doing the bottoms like the bedtime story pajamas unless you have a better idea. I have another pair cut out and I will have to modify those too. I love sewing this pattern and the wide hem looks perfect for the pants. I chose the view with the ruffles. It was so worth it to sew all of the optional top stitching too.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Could you bind the hem? That would use a tiny seam.

    Would a mock cuff work? If you sewed a tube the width of the bottom leg,folded it WRONG sides together,stitch the cuff to the WRONG side of the leg bottom,folded it up over the seam and caught the sides with a stitch.

    Does that make sense?

    I must say I have not made this pattern yet,I am only brainstorming.

    Violaisabelle @Violaisabelle

    How about a ruffle, or a ruffle attached to a cuff? I’m not sure if you used contrasting fabric for your ruffles, but assuming you did, that could look very nice.


    sayiamyou @maraya

    The ruffle or binding would be cute. I’m glad to see this post though because your grand-daughter and my daughter and very similar in size and nearly the same age!

    catherinel @catherinel

    If you have enough fabric and want to keep a tailored look you could add a band at the bottom. You could make the band out of the same corduroy, but cut on the crosswise grain. The wale would go sideways instead of up-down and it would look like a design feature, not a mistake. I’ve done this before with stripes.

    Alternatively, you could use a contrast fabric in a fine wale corduroy.

    Good luck.

    Kim @kmac0107

    Thank you for all of the solutions. Note to self, measure the child’s actual inseam and/or a pair of pants that are the right length and check it against the inseam length on the finished size chart. A child’s height does not tell you if they have long legs.

    sayiamyou @maraya

    “A child’s height does not tell you if they have long legs.”

    *sigh* Yes, I’ve learned this the hard way too.

    mariegrace @mariegrace

    Oh yes, those tall kids get you every time. I currently have an apple pie in the oven and am cutting the pattern for this outfit and so stopped in to see if anyone else is working on one.

    My daughter’s chest and hips measure about a size 5 but her height is a size 8. I always have to e careful about choosing pattern sizes.

    I’m using baby wale corduroy and cotton contrast fabric to match the shirt.


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