Oliver + S

Adding a hood

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    stylememary @stylememary

    Here’s what I’m planning to do:

    Cut and line a hood from another pattern.

    Attach it to the jacket between the upper edge and the collar (before attaching the facing).

    Does this make sense? Does anyone have an idea for a better way to proceed? Words of caution? Has anyone done this before? Any suggestions are appreciated.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Love the idea and that is how I would do it. If you havethe school days coat or LTTS red riding hood cape both those patterns have a hood you could use.

    Nicole @motherof5

    It sound super sweet. I agree with Heidi regarding the hood pattern piece itself.

    You may end up with some very bulky seams so consider grading those once you have stitched it in place and a small (clean) hammer can be very useful to ‘subdue’ any thick spots.


    stylememary @stylememary

    Thanks for the replies! I had forgotten about my little rubber hammer–I’m sure I will need it as I have underlined my corduroy with cotton sateen. I expect LOTS of bulk. Hoping to finish it up this weekend…

    stylememary @stylememary

    So I’ve finished my trench, and regarding the hood, I decided to make it detachable. I put three little buttons under the collar of the coat and 3 buttonholes in the lined hood. It scared me to try sewing the lined hood between the collar and the coat. Add to that the interfaced facing, and I lost count of how many layers of fabric that would be. Whatever it is, it’s too much for my humble machine.

    My photos are in the Flickr Pool:


    Nicole @motherof5

    Oooh, a link, lovely!

    Off for a peep.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Just had a look, StyleM. It’s all gorgeous, truly! How old is your little one? She is very sweet looking.

    stylememary @stylememary

    Thanks for your kind words! My daughter is 15 months old, but I sew size 6-12 months for her. She’s tiny in size, but big of heart (and attitude)!

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