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About Carousel

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    spinny @spinny


    I made a little Carousel in size 2yrs. The photo on the front let me think it would be about knee length, however, it turned out much much longer than that in the 2yrs size. Admittedly, my little model is petite, but still, it looks like the whole length of the hem should have not been there.

    Am I the only one in this situation? Have I made something wrong? Any helps and tips would be appreciated.


    Nicole @motherof5

    Hi @spinny , I have only made the largest size http://fiveandcounting-motherof5.blogspot.com.au/2015/05/lovely-girl.html and I had to add a few inches to make it hit my daughters knees and she is short to average height.

    The petite nature of your daughter may have resulted in the fit?

    Better too long 🙂

    I would just shorten it, if its causing problems and make a note on the pattern for next time.

    Thank you for sharing though, I always check out a pattern before I sew it so it is good to know the smaller sizes are good and long.

    xx Nicole

    spinny @spinny

    Thank you @motherof5 Nicole,
    Little Miss didn’t seem bothered at all by the length, so I think I’ll leave it in, and eventually she’ll grow into it. There is room in the shoulders too (she doesn’t fill them to the darts yet), so I hope she can wear it for a couple years at her growing rate…
    Lovely dress you made for your daughter (and what a gorgeous coat).
    It was my first garment, so I put a lot of my doubts down to inexperience. But it’s interesting to see that the outcome doesn’t always match the picture… I guess I’ll take it as a lesson that I need to check all the measurements against my little model, not just the chest size for instance.
    Thanks again for your input. I very much appreciate it. So much to learn. But I look forward to sew more garments now 🙂

    Nicole @motherof5

    @spinny, Thank you!

    She loves that dress and is wearing it for a second season *bonus*

    The chest measurement is a great place to start, at least you know it will do up!

    Babies come is all shapes and sizes. I made this https://www.flickr.com/photos/motherof5/5018893031/in/album-72157625264790776/ for my now 7 year old and her baby sister (not 2) won’t fit into it.

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