Oliver + S

A plea about the flickr pool!

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    Sarvi @Sarvi

    For those of us with ancient phones and sometimes spotty access, we see only a few images at a time when viewing the group. Would it be possible to limit photos to a few per outfit? The hamsters that power my phone have tiny legs that get very tired when I have to move through multiple pages to get to the next set of images. Don’t forget that folks can always switch to viewing your personal photostream instead of the group photostream to see ALL the photos of your sewing. I’m glued to my phone today looking for tester photos of the new patterns!

    Many thanks from the stone age of technology!

    Nicole @motherof5

    We have very slow internet in the country and the second page takes impossibly long to load so I second this plea.

    I am sure I am missing lots of lovely things.

    You can also link back to your blog!

    paula @paula

    Sorry. I am new and will remove my excess photos.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Why not leave a comment such as ”More adorableness in my photo stream’?

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I like the image of the hamster powering the phone!

    Greenpip @Greenpip

    Oh yes I 3rd,4th and 5th this plea. My hamsters are on speed but I still find it frustrating to flick through so many pics of the one garment sometimes.

    Wondering if the folks at O+S could actually limit the number of pictures able to be posted in one day by a member of the Flickr group. Lots of groups have these limits and just checking ones I belong to they range from just one pic a day to 3, 5 or 6. For me 5 would be a nice number.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Greenpip, we are only allowed to post 6 photos at a time. This would be ample for those of us who sew many items in one go to post one or two photos of each item.

    You are very fortunate to have hamsters on speed – my hamsters do a runner at the very thought of downloading just the thumbnails – I timed the download to past 30 minutes to just get one photo up to see. Normally of course it is alot fast than that but I live in the country where internet is seen as a luxury and you have to take pot luck with the plan!

    I love seeing all of your creations – you are all so inspiring and I love that you want to share, however picking the very best photos of each garment/ masterpiece you produce would be ideal.

    Greenpip @Greenpip


    I think while the Flickr upload page allows you to upload six at a time you can actually place an unlimited number from your photosream into a group in a single go unless the group itself has a daily limit.

    Yes I’m very spoilt with my Internet access both wired and wireless. It hits me how good we have it whenever we get an occasional blip and speeds drop. I wonder if the national broadband network will improve things for the regions. I hope so!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    If you’re uploading from a computer (rather than tablet or mobile) the Flickr interface makes it very easy to add a large group of photos with one click as a batch operation, so I assume that when you see something like that, a really huge batch, somebody just did it inadvertently when uploading a photoshoot.

    I definitely don’t want to make anybody feel unwelcome, and I actually did not have a particular person in mind. It just seemed like recently there were these atypically bigger batches added, and I was spending a lot of time away from my desk, so it was really noticeable because I was using small, slow devices. Often there are a lot of special details you want to share like fun fabrics you used for facings, or pretty buttons, and obviously that’s not the same thing. Of course it’s not a question of wanting to see less of anyone’s cute creations, but about wanting to be able to see everybody’s.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Absolutely Sarvi,I agree %100.

    No body wants anyone to feel unwelcome and it is so tempting to load lots of photos of your littles.

    I am jealous of you City Bods and your fast internet!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Um! No! The National Broadband Network would require us to go back to dial up – and it ain’t happnin’ honey! For those regions who have no previously had internet they would think it is Christmas! I hate how the city has all these perks and we are told “we have to be grateful” but thems the brakes. We choose to live where we live – I wouldn’t swap it just because of internet. I’d swap our really expensive plan for more for the buck though provided it wasn’t dial up!

    I have uploaded from both computer and tablet and both seem to give me the same answer – no more than 6. Must be holding my tongue wrong or something!

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