Oliver + S

2+2 skort

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    sasha @sasha

    I am going to turn the 2+2 skirt into a skort. My girls don’t care for the super short tight bike shorts that you can buy to wear under skirts. They ride up and they find that annoying. I have the badminton pattern. I am planning to use the shorts from the skort. Does anyone know if I need to extend the top of the short pattern a bit. I know the badminton has a wide waistband. I am also eliminating the placket of the 2+2 skirt. I think that will make it easier to make it a skort.

    Thanks in advance for any advice!

    Nicole @motherof5

    *From memory* you will need to add maybe an inch or so to the top of the shorts?
    I would add extra, sort of pin (with safety pins) the skirt and shorts together, and try them on the child.

    If you take out the placket, make sure the skirt will be wide enough to pull up.

    I, very recently, added the Tea Party bloomers to the Hopscotch skirt, it worked out really well.
    Hopscotch with Bloomers

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