Oliver + S

1/8" differential on shoulder seam?

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    JennyJo @JennyJo

    I’m making my first Fairytale dress, size 5, and the front and back bodices seem to be 1/8″ off at the shoulder, with the back bodice being wider. I don’t profess to be an expert, but the pattern pieces themselves appear to reflect this mismatch. Has anybody else noticed this? And what should I do about it? Should I just center the front bodice onto the back, leaving 1/16 off on each edge?

    Thanks so much for any advice,

    Jenny Jo

    Nicole @motherof5

    I didn’t notice anything in the size 12.

    Are there shoulder notches? Just make sure they match.

    Have fun.

    I had another look at mine here http://fiveandcounting-motherof5.blogspot.com.au/2013/01/a-christmas-fairy-tale-tutorial-part-i.html?showComment=1358649417151 , it seems okay.

    JennyJo @JennyJo

    Thanks for your reply, Nicole. I looked at your Fairy Tale dress, and (it’s lovely!) the shoulders on yours look fine. On mine, all the sizes have this problem. There are no notches. (Maybe we bought different printings of the pattern?) Here is a picture of my pattern: https://www.flickr.com/photos/37795954@N03/15332124416/. I’m not really fussing about the pattern so much as asking what to do now. Is it better to align perfectly along the neck and let the arm hole be off, align perfectly along the arm and let the neck be off, or split the difference?


    Jenny Jo

    Nicole @motherof5

    Sorry Jenny, baby brain!

    (Love your Flickr avatar-sigh)

    I would probably split the difference, your photo shows it very clearly.

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    I don’t know if it will help in your case, but remember to match the seams 1/2″ from the edge to allow for the seam allowance. Sometimes the edge of the pattern will be a different shape to where the seam is.

    If that doesn’t help, I agree with Nicole – split the difference!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Ah yes, like that one pattern, which one was it? Where there was a little notch taken out because the extra bit of seam allowance had been adding bulk/confusing people?

    Robin @Robin

    Isn’t that normally in the crotch of pants Sarvi? Is that the right term?

    Nicole @motherof5

    Some times at an underarm seam too.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    For some reason I keep thinking it was the Sunday Brunch jacket but my memory is pretty vague on the point.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Yes, and the 2+2 blouse.

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