Mardee replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Sarvi, I loved working in theatre, and it really is amazing what kind of costumes they can turn out. It’s truly couture work, but with extra durability.
Tamara, that’s so cool that you worked in opera. I did, too – during the fall, winter and spring season, I worked in a regional theatre company costume shop, but during the summer, I was the…[Read more]
Mardee replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Sarvi, I loved working in theatre, and it really is amazing what kind of costumes they can turn out. It’s truly couture work, but with extra durability.
Tamara, that’s so cool that you worked in opera. I did, too – during the fall, winter and spring season, I worked in a regional theatre company costume shop, but during the summer, I was the…[Read more]
Mardee replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Thanks, Tamara! I have done some freehand quilting before – once on a wall quilt I made for my grandson, and then some Christmas stockings, but this will be the biggest thing I’ve done, so your tips will be helpful. I do take lots of breaks – mainly because I work full time and get my sewing and quilting in piecemeal during the week and on the…[Read more]
Mardee replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Thanks, Tamara! I have done some freehand quilting before – once on a wall quilt I made for my grandson, and then some Christmas stockings, but this will be the biggest thing I’ve done, so your tips will be helpful. I do take lots of breaks – mainly because I work full time and get my sewing and quilting in piecemeal during the week and on the…[Read more]
Mardee replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Hello, all! It’s exciting to read about so many sewing projects! Right now I am trying to finish a patchwork quilt (queen size) that I am making for my daughter and SIL for Christmas. All the piecing is done – I just need to add the border, batting and backing and then quilt. This will be my first large quilt using freehand machine quilting, so…[Read more]
Mardee replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Hello, all! It’s exciting to read about so many sewing projects! Right now I am trying to finish a patchwork quilt (queen size) that I am making for my daughter and SIL for Christmas. All the piecing is done – I just need to add the border, batting and backing and then quilt. This will be my first large quilt using freehand machine quilting, so…[Read more]
Mardee replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Hello, all! It’s exciting to read about so many sewing projects! Right now I am trying to finish a patchwork quilt (queen size) that I am making for my daughter and SIL for Christmas. All the piecing is done – I just need to add the border, batting and backing and then quilt. This will be my first large quilt using freehand machine quilting, so…[Read more]
Mardee replied to the topic Ethical concerns in the forum off topic 9 years ago
This article is more about shopping for ready-made clothing as opposed to fabric, but she had some great ideas.
I try to buy natural fibers and buy indie patterns from local shops. I also try to use old clothing to make garments for my grandkids, but I do get…[Read more]
Mardee replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
@justsewit I can second the rec for Ottobre ribbing – I buy it all the time and it’s much better than anything I can find locally.
Mardee replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
@justsewit I can second the rec for Ottobre ribbing – I buy it all the time and it’s much better than anything I can find locally.
Mardee became a registered member 9 years ago
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