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Sew Alongs 7 years ago
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Sew Alongs 7 years ago
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Sew Alongs 7 years ago
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Sew Alongs 7 years ago
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Sew Alongs 7 years ago
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Sew Alongs 7 years ago
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Sew Alongs 7 years ago
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Sew Alongs 7 years ago
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Sew Alongs 7 years ago
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Sew Alongs 8 years ago
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Sew Alongs 8 years ago
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Sew Alongs 8 years ago
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Sew Alongs 8 years ago
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Sew Alongs 8 years ago
help, help!! i am making the sailboat pants in age 4 and i am having big leg problems! the front of the pants are much narrower than the back, it’s almost like they are a totally different size. I bought the pattern online and printed it off very carefully, I have triple checked and I cut out exactly where the age 4 size was marked for the front…[Read more]
Hi B.T.,
Did you get an answer to the difference in leg widths? I haven’t bought a pattern yet but was encouraged by a friend to buy the
(first) book.
Heather joined the group
Sew Alongs 8 years ago
Oh my I was thrilled to see your sew a long! I haven’t made a swimsuit before and picked up a pattern for the two piece for my daughter – I have the bottoms all most finished! Super helpful visuals and process. Thanks! After I finish this one, I’ll try my hand at making a the one piece for myself (gulp)!
Liesl Gibson replied to the topic Lisette B6358 Swimsuit Sew Along in the forum
Sew Alongs 8 years ago
Thanks so much for posting that, @bellecitadel! It’s very helpful to know. Cheers!
Claire replied to the topic Lisette B6358 Swimsuit Sew Along in the forum
Sew Alongs 8 years ago
Hi @Liesl
Just a comment to add to the others here re: the usefulness of the sewalong. I knew I wouldn’t be making the swimsuit until around now for my summer vacation, but I already liked your patterns when they first went on sale, and, honestly, the fact I knew there was a sewalong was a major factor in going ahead and taking the plunge into…[Read more]
Claire joined the group
Sew Alongs 8 years ago
Jessica replied to the topic Lisette B6358 Swimsuit Sew Along in the forum
Sew Alongs 8 years ago
I definitely think these sew a longs are helpful! Even if people do not make the patterns during the time frame (like me, I made 6360 afterwards) I always look for these when tackling a new pattern. The tips and tricks are so useful!
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