Oliver + S


our newest digital patterns

Back in October, after many requests and much consideration, we decided to do a little test. We re-released our out-of-print Puppet Show pattern as the first Oliver + S digital download. Your response was so positive that we released a …

details: piping

I’ve been thinking a lot about piping this week. Not for any particular reason except that it somehow entered my mind that I’d like to add piping to the seam of the School Photo Dress. And when I did a …

summer sewing

Usually I try to check in on the Oliver + S Flickr group every couple of days. It’s always amazing to me how many new photos show up, because you’re a prolific group of sewists! I’ve been traveling for the …

celebrate the boy: sewing for boys

In honor of Celebrate the Boy week over at Made by Rae, I thought we would spend a little time today talking about sewing for boys. At Oliver + S, we make patterns for boys and for girls. Not all …

ruffled sailboat skirt or pants

A week or two ago I had a little brainstorm one morning and dropped into the Oliver + S discussion forums to ask if anyone wanted to give it a try. In fact, several people expressed an interest. Here is …

dressing for real life

We’ve fielded a lot of Formspring questions over the past few weeks, several of which have asked about how much sewing I do for S and what her wardrobe looks like. I’m no Supermom, and I don’t even try to …

more trunk show stops

The newest Oliver + S trunk show has been booked for the remainder of the summer. If you’re in the area, stop by one of our retailers to participate in the activities they will be hosting in conjunction with the …