For the next few days only, you can view any and all Creativebug classes for free when you sign up for their free week. You’ll find the details in this post.
relaunch of the building a creative brand series with creativebug
We’re excited to announce that Creativebug is bringing back it’s wonderful Building A Creative Brand series. If you’re thinking about turning your passion into a business, this is a must for you.
technique-based workshops on creativebug
Liesl has twelve technique-based workshops available on the Creativebug site. You can visit the Creativebug website this summer to check them out and improve your sewing skills.
project-based workshops on creativebug
Liesl has seven project-based workshops available on the Creativebug site. Visit and check them out for some summer sewing fun.
a free month of creativebug!
Our friends at Creativebug are offering one free month of classes. Use their special promo code to sign up today.
an all-you-can-eat craft buffet, for under $10
We’re excited to be able to let you know that Creativebug has just lowered its pricing. Get all the craft workshops you want for only $9.95 a month.
want to go fabric shopping with liesl?
Have you ever wanted to learn about fabric by going shopping with an expert? Here’s your chance! And you can do it at no cost courtesy of Creativebug.
give the gift of creativebug (and a giveaway!)
Creativebug is offering a great gift deal for the holiday, and you’ve got a chance to win something for you and for a friend.
building a creative brand series with creativebug
We’re happy to announce our participation in Creativebug’s new Building a Creative Brand workshop.
two new creativebug workshops: fabric shoelaces and smocked necklace
I’m happy to announce the release of my two newest Creativebug workshops–my smocked necklace project and my DIY shoelace tutorial.
go fish!
In our newest Creativebug workshop, Liesl and S work together to make a fabric fishing game, which is a great project for kids.
dart manipulation: new creativebug workshop
Liesl’s newest Creativebug workshop has gone live. This one focuses on dart manipulation.
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