Oliver + S

behind the scenes

welcome to the new oliver + s

If you’re viewing this blog post in an RSS reader, you might want to click through to visit our website. What you’ll find there is completely new. We have redesigned and rebuilt the website from the ground up to make …

pattern development

By the time we’ve finished developing each collection of sewing patterns, we always have a large stack of toiles (or muslins) to show for our efforts in addition to the nice finished samples we photograph and display. Toiles are the …

notice a difference here?

Probably not. And that’s good because we tried to keep things looking familiar. Over the weekend we gutted and rebuilt the Oliver + S blog and upgraded the forums. Boring tech stuff, mostly, but there are some nice new features …

ask us

During the month of January, we’re giving you the opportunity to ask Oliver + S a question. Any question. Since we opened up our Formspring page for questions, we’ve fielded over 30 excellent inquiries on topics ranging from how to …

trunk show in st. paul

Live in the Twin Cities area? Chances are that you’re already a customer of one of our favorite independent fabric shops–Treadle Yard Goods. Treadle is currently hosting a special Oliver + S trunk show featuring eight outfits from our line …

liesl interviewed on CraftSanity

Have you ever been curious about how Oliver + S got its start or what Liesl did before launching the company? Liesl recently had a nice chat with Jennifer Ackerman-Haywood of the CraftSanity podcast. Their edited conversation, which answers those …

august teaser

August, people say, is usually a slow month. Not so at Oliver + S. Here’s a preview of what will be showing up here over the next few weeks: More posts in the principles of fabric selection series A special …

new oliver + s discussion forums

We’re pleased to announce the launch of our newest website feature–the Oliver + S discussion forums. You can access the forums by clicking on the text in the navigation bar at the top of every page. The forums are designed …

oliver + s supports Project 95

Did you know that 95% of fabric shoppers make their purchases at chain stores while only 5% purchase from independent quilt and fabric shops? Why shouldn’t it be the other way around? Oliver + S is sponsoring Project 95–an industry-wide …

market wrap up

Wow. What a week it’s been. We’re glad to be back in the studio now, catching up after this season’s Quilt Market in Pittsburgh. A big thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth. We really enjoyed speaking with …

Pittsburgh, here we come!

Wednesday morning we leave for Pittsburgh, where spring International Quilt Market convenes this season. I’d like to tell you this part of the business eventually becomes routine, but preparing for Market is always exciting. I’m especially thrilled about the two …

tweets for you

Oliver + S is Twittering. Stop by our Twitter page to start following updates on what’s happening in the studio and around New York.