oliver + s supports Project 95

Did you know that 95% of fabric shoppers make their purchases at chain stores while only 5% purchase from independent quilt and fabric shops? Why shouldn’t it be the other way around?

Oliver + S is sponsoring Project 95–an industry-wide initiative that highlights the value of independent retailers. When you shop at independent quilt and fabric stores, you support small businesses (often in your community) that cater specifically to your needs.

Oliver + S only sells its patterns through independent shops and websites, and we believe that these independents are worth supporting. In addition to providing you with access to the best products available (many of which are not carried in chain stores), your independent retailer provides classes, community, and other support for sewing enthusiasts like you. Purchasing from these shops helps ensure that high-quality products will remain available to you and that the community these shops build will remain intact.

So please join us in this worthy cause. Shop independent. And voice your support for the movement by following the activities of Project 95 on its website, by becoming a fan on Facebook, and by keeping up with Project 95 on Twitter.


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  1. Thank you for the heads up. I will join! I already shop almost exclusively from independent stores but will encourage others to do so.

  2. I shop at major retailers because that is all I have around me…I think! If there is an independent shop around me I’m not aware of it. I wonder how I would find out??? I love supporting “mom and pop” shops!

  3. Project 95 has plans to release an interactive shop finder feature on its site: http://www.fabricshoppersunite.com. Check back with them to search for independent shops in your area.

    Additionally, there are many good independent shops on the Internet–many of which carry Oliver + S patterns and other high quality products. Search them out. You may be surprised at what you can find.

  4. What a great idea. We have a small independant store near us where I purchase a lot of fabric and hopefully they will be expanding their selection soon. When I can’t find what I need there I generally take a trip to Etsy.

  5. Sewbusymor

    My little shop also supports project 95. This is wonderful. I hope more sewing fans will find us all! Heirloom sewing, embroidery, classic fabrics…my corner of the world. One of a kind in New Jersey!

  6. Carolina

    It is very important to support our local businesses. The large chain stores have variety, but not always the knowledge to help us be crative and professional. That is what the small fabric stores are all about! Also, they are what keep us creative and enjoying our art or craft. As a seamstress and sewing instructor, it is important to know our local fabric store owners. I live in a small town that only has a Wal Mart as the major department store. Though I enjoy going there for some “deals”, I support my local stores for almost 90% and Wal Mart 10%. I wish I could find Oliver + S patterns locally gto support a local store, and I have mentioned your product. Until then, I will have to buy on line.
    Thanks for the great patterns and great newsletter!!

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