liesl interviewed on CraftSanity

Have you ever been curious about how Oliver + S got its start or what Liesl did before launching the company?

Liesl recently had a nice chat with Jennifer Ackerman-Haywood of the CraftSanity podcast. Their edited conversation, which answers those questions and many more, is now available for all to hear at CraftSanity.

Pay a visit to learn about some totally random stuff–like the nine-digit checks Liesl used to hand-write for a former employer. You may even learn a thing or two about the ins-and-outs of designing sewing patterns for children’s clothing.

(Oh, and in case you’re wondering, no one at Oliver + S writes nine digit checks anymore. Ever.)




  1. Awww, come on, Todd – you could write a 9-digit check to me… you know, just to keep the skills up.

  2. Okay, just had to comment (again) now that I'm actually listening to it… if Liesl were a professor, I'd be one of those nerdy students that would be early to class, last to leave, in her office all the time with questions – if only to glean her skill and expertise – for nothing more than just to possess the knowledge in my own mind. I know, I know…. I'm already one of those sewing nerds who enjoys Liesl's revolutionary teaching skill through her patterns.

  3. Aj

    Hi Leisl! I just had to tell you, this was one of the most inspiring podcasts that I've listened to in eons! I am a new transplant to the Phoenix area, moved here from West Michigan. I'm 31, married, have 5 kids, and have been debating for my entire life, what to be when I grow up. I have always gravitated toward fashion, crafting, and watching my grandmother sew. I love anything that I can incorporate my own vision into. I am a photographer by trade, and adore photography as an art, but as a career, I've never been sure that it was the perfect fit. I've been downright depressed about my career during the past year or so, and have been kicking around going back to school. I'm very interested in marketing, graphic design, web design, sewing, sketching, and fashion design, so picking a degree was just plain overwhelming, and I've also been suffering from a bad case of "I'm too old to change careers or go back to school". So, I've just been putting it off. Lately I've been toying around more with the idea that's been revisiting me for the past 16 years, to create either a children's clothing line, or pattern line. It's never been the right time in the past, between my photography, pregnancies, the loss of a child, a house fire, and a cross country move, I always just had far too much on my plate to even consider humoring this idea. After listening to your podcast, and being thoroughly inspired, I have a new, excited outlook for the future. Just wanted to say thank you again!


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