august teaser

August, people say, is usually a slow month. Not so at Oliver + S.

Here’s a preview of what will be showing up here over the next few weeks:

  • More posts in the principles of fabric selection series
  • A special summer sale
  • A new free, downloadable pattern (yes, we said “free pattern”!)
  • Introduction of a new paper doll friend for Oliver and S
  • Announcement of our new Fall 2009 patterns

Stay tuned. The fun starts next week!




  1. sounds like a lot of fun. i esp love your principles of fabric selection series! thank you for taking time to post those entries.

  2. OH, yeaaaah… that is one SERIOUS teaser!

  3. Well then bring it on!! I can hardly wait to see the new pattern designs!

  4. Oh, my! That does sound exiting indeed…I eagerly await the new fall collection. 🙂

  5. sews4kla

    New patterns, more great info on fabric selection and a contest. I can't wait. And a new free pattern to boot! Thank you, thank you, thank you! :o)

  6. I can't wait!!!

  7. Oh my gosh I can't wait!!! It all sounds great. Especially the new Fall patterns

  8. Well, I'll be back for sure – can't wait to see what you have come up with! 🙂

  9. I agree with April: That's one serious teaser…I'm a weekend-only sewer with little time to work on my kid's clothes for fall, so time is precious: I need to check/order the fabrics and patterns (it takes longer as I live in Portugal), schedule my sewing agenda, find extra slots (nights), etc… Can't wait! Thanks!!!

  10. Sounds really interesting. Can't wait. I really want some new patterns too.

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