Which size to make of School Days coat?
12 years ago LINK
Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
I am gettting ready to make baby C a winter coat with the School Days coat pattern. My question is right now he is in a 6-12m size but some of the O+S 6-12m size fits him well but no growing room. Should I go ahead make the next size up for him so it fits all winter long and maybe another winter this next year? What do you gals think?
12 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Its pretty roomy Sharon.
Tildy is still wearing her suede coat ‘just’ and I think that was 12-18 mnths…..
12 years ago LINKbeachmom @beachmom
I would double check the finished measurements of the 6-12 months and the next size up. If there’s not a huge difference, I’d be tempted to go with the larger size. But that’s just me.;)
12 years ago LINKsayiamyou @maraya
The first one I made for A was a 2, when she was in 2’s and she can still wear it now at nearly 4. I made her one over the summer in a 4 and I know she’ll wear it next winter too.
12 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
Since it’s now January and there’s proably only a couple of months of winter to go, is it worth making the larger size in the hope he can also get some use next year? the other thing is, do you want to upsize in case he has a growth spurt and dosen’t get to wear the coat?
I bet it will look so cute on him.
12 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I think it depends on the layers you put underneath as to how it will fit. Is he growing the same as your older boys or even Sweetpea? If he is then you could gauge whether or not it would still fit by the end of March/April. Do you have to put lots of layers on him to go outside in? They need to be accommodated. Maybe make a muslin shell to see how it goes? I agree with Cindy though, better to go larger if there isn’t much measurement difference. But then my kids grow like weeds anyway! N can wear the size 8 and he has worn it for one season, however we don’t layer here so if he wears it it acts as his pullover layer. We may squeeze another season out of it yet.
12 years ago LINKLightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch
I’m having just this quandary for P who will be 5 in the middle of winter and it’s so tempting to make the size 6…
The little one I made for A was huge as I’d upsized a little. I made the 18~24 months when she was about 15 months. It’s only now that she’s almost two that I don’t have to roll the sleeves up. It’s still very roomy though.
I’ll go against the trend and say stick to the size he currently fits in other O+S clothes. *
*the advice given in this post must be interpreted with regard to your conditions and no recompense blah blah…
12 years ago LINKMama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
McStitch, BAHhahaha!!
If advice is bad you must pay with one O+S pattern.
I still need to measure little guy seeing he has grown a ton since the last month. I sure this will help me figure out where to go better. Little man in skinny and very long so if he is very close to the 12m size I will go with it but if not I will make the 6m size. Thanks ladies!!
12 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Please make the 6m just so I can squeal at the cuteness of a little doll coat like that!!
12 years ago LINKMama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
I love wee things in O+S!
12 years ago LINKMama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
I just measured liitle man and he is on the low end for the 6-12m size so that is what I’ll go with! Hopefully I’ll get it done soon too.
Thanks ladies!!
12 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
I wouldn’t worry about sizing up because when they’re that little they go through sizes so fast you’ll never get a second winter out of it. My oldest was in 6-12months for like two months. Seriously. The others got maybe 3 months out of that size. In fact, cute as the thing may be, I would personally skip such a tiny size. It is a time consuming project with lots of pieces. Could you really finish it before he grows out of it? Also, I can’t picture it as comfortable for a baby who’s just laying around or maybe crawling around. Maybe make the size 2 for next winter?
Of course it wouod be really super cute indeed.
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