Oliver + S

Which pattern?

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    leslie119 @leslie119

    Hi! I am looking at purchasing the ice cream dress pattern and making dresses for my daughters. My girls are 9 months and almost 5 years old. I would like to only buy one pattern so my question is: Is it easier to buy the larger size and scale the pattern down, or buy the smaller size and scale it up? I would likely by other patterns if I could accomodate both girls with one pattern. Thank you.

    April Henry @April1930s

    Considering the age difference in your case, I would buy the smaller pattern. To maintain design and technical elements anything more than one size adjustment, maybe two, can cause any pattern to lose shape. Take your older daughter’s measurements and she might just need length added rather than width. My daughter, a lot of times, can get away with the smaller size around but only needs additional length, which is easier to add then scaling the entire pattern up or down.

    I look forward to seeing your girls’ dresses in the Flickr Group! 🙂

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