What would you use denim for?
13 years ago LINK
Tamara @justsewit
I’ve just been sent some contributor guidelines with a view of having some projects (smocking) published. I sent a photo of my School Photo Dress through to the editor of this magazine and she asked if I’d like to contribute any other ideas.
I’m only at the design stage at the moment and she is expecting things using denim. I’m using my original Italian smocking designs (which took weeks to put together) but I am unsure as to what to make them into.
I am not allowed to use commercial patterns and they must be original in design because of laws etc and I have to ask permission to use anything that isn’t my own (well of course).
Would you have any suggestions apart from shirts and dresses please? What would you use denim for? I’m planning to use light weight denim. Could you see a bubble dress in light denim???
Your thoughts are more welcome.
13 years ago LINKdaisygirl78 @daisygirl78
Does it have to be a garment? What about a panel on a purse or tote bag? If it has to be a garment, there’s always the good old denim jacket…
13 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
She just mentioned that denim is so versatile for children’s wear and so I took that to mean garments.
Italian smocking has been featured on bags in this magazine before so I wanted to do something a little different.
In terms of accessories though, I could do a hat (with the head band part smocked) or even feature a belt. But who wears belts that are rather thick these days?
I could add a bag as part of the project as this has been done before also.
Yes I did think of the denim jacket – that is an idea. Thanks
13 years ago LINKdaisygirl78 @daisygirl78
pockets on pants, or an insert down the length of the outside seam of the leg (if that doesn’t make it too bulky)?
13 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
That would be something nice – down the leg. You don’t see any smocking (or anything for that matter) on the legs of pants. I could even apply it to shorts aswell. Pockets of course are great to do.
I could even do the centre of a tunic as a panel and add pockets so that the panel would be a feature that would normally be on the bodice.
I do like that pants idea though.
13 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
How exciting! I would have thought smocking on denim is itself quite unusual, so anything would be interesting. A simple denim dress with a little puffy sleeves and a smocked center bit? I like the idea of denim shorts with smocked details. How incredibly sweet would that be? A great twist on the ubiquitous childhood cutoffs! When it comes to denim, I’m an all American girl. I could wear jeans any time anywhere, so I’m all for it. You know, smocking seems to really be hot right now. Martha Stewart living just featured a whole article on smocking craft projects. And you know if Martha says it, it must be important. 😉
Isn’t it hard to smock something so heavy and stiff? Or will you use more of a chambray?
13 years ago LINKdaisygirl78 @daisygirl78
a good baby accessory might be a stuffed block featuring a different pattern on each side??
13 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
You know Daisygirl78 that is a FANTASTIC idea – but I would use denim along with other fabrics to get maximum tactile benefit – like velvet/ velveteen, corduroy, denim, cotton, fleece and maybe one with raised embroidery on it (like bullion roses or something. That way baby would have different tactile experiences as well as it being visual. Of course though it would be a different design on each side with the different fabric.
I’m going to note this one.
Meleliza, it is exciting and because it is denim it will give me an opportunity to tap into the more fashionable side of the styles to blend with the smocking. I’d like to do something for older girls with Italian smocking but I believe that the little girls shouldn’t miss out either.
Because denim comes in different oz weights, I’m choosing to work with one that isn’t too heavy but isn’t put in the chambray category either. I can get it through my pleater with all needles surviving provided I move slowly. I made the School Photo Dress using 7.5 oz denim and was able to be successful with pleating it – that is the most difficult part of working with denim and I HATE DOTS!! So it has to work for me or it doesn’t get done.
I don’t believe that the smocked panel will be too bulky down the side of a pair of pants but I’m going to try it out first to prove the theory. I will use the Afterschool pattern as my experiment and then I can go and use a different pattern for the actual project. If I took the panel down to the mid thigh and finished it with a side pocket and then plain to the cuff it wouldn’t look hideous would it?? I don’t plan to make the panel too deep or else we could have problems. I’ll just experiment and see.
Martha! Got to love Martha. I don’t get to see her show alot as it isn’t often aired out here but I do love to find out what she is promoting – such a clever lady!
13 years ago LINKdaisygirl78 @daisygirl78
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
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