Oliver + S

What should I make next?

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    claireabel @claireabel

    I’m twitching to start sewing again! I have a couple of little jobs to do, then it’s time to make an outfit for one of the kiddos. Running short on inspiration though… what do you think I should make? (if it helps, it’s Summer here and I have an almost 3 year old daughter and 16 month old son to sew for… oodles of fabric).

    janimal @janimal

    Well, how about this, for my two year old daughter I am going ice cream dress/blouse crazy over here. In the last week I have made her two blouses, and yesterday made a dress and have another one cut and ready to sew. I’m trying to make as much of her Spring wardrobe as possible. It’s a good pattern to use light cotton fabric and is nice and airy for Summer.

    With the rotary cutter, I can cut the fabric for two garments at once. The pattern sews up pretty quickly, and that quick gratification keeps my motivated.

    Next on my list is a music class jacket, and then some sailboat skirts, pants, tops.

    Oh, for your daughter, you could whip up some Popover dresses really quick! When I am short on time and inspiration, I love a quick-to-finish project.

    sayiamyou @maraya

    It’s winter in the States, but I am nearly finished with an Ice Cream top. I think my girl is pretty set on cold weather clothes (hooray for goals met!) so I’m going to slowly start plugging away at spring things. Just ordered fabric with Ice Creams and Swing sets in mind, but working on another with the 2+2 and ruffle halter in mind. The Puppet show shorts are always a quick winner too, along with the halters!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I second the halter top Claire, the first one took me an hour to sew, the second 50 minutes and just so sweet on!

    I also cut off the Nature Walk into shorts again very quick but effective!

    For your gorgeous little man, some navy sailboat pants with red buttons for him to toddle in!

    claireabel @claireabel

    You guys are brilliant – knew you would inspire me!

    I love the idea of an ice-cream blouse (why didn’t I think of that? E is already too tall for hers) and the idea of navy sailboats with red buttons is just too cute. Off to the machine I go!

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