Oliver + S

Washing laminate cotton

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    lifeinoz @lifeinoz

    I really want to make this coat for my daughter. I have been perusing fabric.com and have found many lovely laminated cotton fabrics but they all say “wipe clean”. I don’t know about y’all but I like to wash our jackets, at least once a season. I have six kiddos, of which five are boys, and y’all those coats get a little stinky sometimes. Of course my only daughter sweats rose drops 😉 but still I’d like to have the option.


    KarenK @KarenK

    Maybe do a light soak in water and spot clean the worst areas. Or machine wash a scrap and see how it does.

    Robin @Robin


    Kathy Mack has a great blog post on working with laminates. She’s got a section on laundering it too.

    lifeinoz @lifeinoz

    Great article! Thanks!!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I gently washed a Laura Ashely change mat that was made from laminated cotton for 15 years.

    I aire dried it in the shade.

    Reeni @Reeni

    My daughter wears a raincoat made from lightweight laminate cotton… I lined it with cotton velour and it washes very well in with the regular kids’ laundry. I have dried it hanging and have never had an issue. Fabric.com shipped it on a roll, which made it super-easy as it had no creases.

    For my son, I made laminate cotton as he turned up his nose at everything available; quilting cotton + iron-on vinyl + flannel lining = raincoat we can both live with. It is definitely less flexible/stiffer than the ready-made laminate tho.

    ready-made laminate new: (a try-on for button placement): https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/402139_2769586391295_1555956899_n.jpg

    home-made laminate new:


    can’t find a good pic of it recently, but it’s been a year and a half (7 months for the orange) and still looks good.

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