Oliver + S

walking foot

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    littlebirdy @littlebirdy


    Can someone cleverer than me have a look at this and see if it is the right thing for sewing the school days????!!!!


    Thank you – I have had a few people looking blankly at me when I’ve asked in sewing shops.


    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    If that one is appropriate to your machine, then I would say yes!

    Good luck! I just finished a school day’s rain coat and I love how it turned out and I feel so skilled for completing a jacket!

    littlebirdy @littlebirdy

    Thank you craftalittle. I’ve ordered it and asked the seller to make sure it’s okay for my machine.

    I now have the wool and the toggles. I just need to buy and decide about the lining. And find a job for the twins to pay for their coats. Maybe they can get two tills next to each other at the local supermarket?

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    Yes Robyn this is the one I have used for all my coats as I have a new (low end) Janome. I have heard of it as a “walking” foot but Janome call it an “even feed” which is probably more accurate. I use this for most of my normal sewing these days – it stops fabric slipping and really grips when you are sewing close to the edge. You can even do zigzag with it for your edges which took me a while to figure out, so you don’t have to change the foot off to do that bit. It is noisier though! I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how forgiving wool is – what might be a pucker in quilting cotton just smoothed out with the wool melton I used as there seems to be more flex with all that fluffiness.

    claireabel @claireabel

    That’s the same walking foot I have. You will love it!

    littlebirdy @littlebirdy

    Fantastic. Thank you! It’s amazing how exciting the idea of a new foot is!!!!!

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