Oliver + S

Waist band/facing

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    cybele727 @cybele727

    Ok, I looking at assemble the front dress, directions 3 -5.

    I am missing something. It just isn’t clicking. Direction 3 says…pin the waist band to the front bodice matching the single notch (the top of the waist band is marked with a single notch, bottom with multiples).

    A) match the single notch with what? I assume the single notch in the bodice, yes?

    Assuming that, the single notch with wrong sides together will be on the bottom, and multiple notch on the top so when you press open, the multiple notch edge will be down/ at the bottom.

    But looking at the picture, it looks like I should be sewing across the multiple notch edge?

    Then step 4 I am fine… Take and finish the multiple notch edge. I assume so all seams can be encased inside the waist band.

    Now step 5…it says pin facing to wrong side of dress, yet picture looks like right side of dress???

    Are the pics wrong?

    Tamara @justsewit

    Yes the pic is incorrect because the side with the multiple notches is for attaching the front skirt. You need to use the side with just the single notch that will match up with the single notches aligned on top of each other on the front bodice pieces when they are crossed over. And remember to sandwich the lining when you do so it doesn’t have to be sewn on separately.

    I love this dress.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I am almost done. It is taking me forever. I keep making mistakes, but I have no time to sew and when I do, I am tired. (And I need to go buy thread– I ran out!) Grrr..

    But I really do rely on the pictures to make sure I am doing it as I should. So thank you for confirming that with me.

    I can’t wait to finish it. I am so excited about how it is turning out, after I fix my errors.– On side seam, one hem, and button placket left!

    Todd Gibson

    Liesl is off to Quilt Market for the weekend. She’ll look into this early next week. If it’s an issue, we’ll issue an errata notice then.

    Jennifer1568 @Jennifer1568

    I messed this part up, too. I made the dress out of corduroy. I kept trying to understand the directions and illustrations. Finally I ignored the notches and pictures because the piece is symmetrical and used intuition and figured it out. I sewed the outer waistband with the piping and the facing wrong sides together with the bodice which was basted together between them (the outer waistband and the bodice right sides together) and then graded the seam allowances and then attached the skirt to the outer waistband bottom. I just matched the centers of both pieces. Then I edge stitched really close to the bottom seam of the outer waistband, under the flat piping, to secure the bottom of the facing. Then I realized that the nap of the corduroy on outer waistband was turned the wrong way and had to rip it all out. The stiches were really short and the seam allowances very narrow. I sewed everything back together with a less than 1/4 inch seam allowance. I finished all the edges before I sewed it the second time. It took about 2 hours to rip it all out. Even with that mistake I loved sewing the dress. It is really cute. My daughter picked the fabric and the flat piping color. I will make it again, soon. I blame the nap issue on myself. I should have thought of it.

    Liesl Gibson

    Gah, sorry everyone! Yes, the notches on the illustration for step 3 are upside-down. I’ll fix the illustration and issue an errata for that, and I apologize for the confusion and extra work this has caused you! It’s so frustrating and annoying when the instructions you’re following and trusting are wrong.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Oh Jennifer 1568, I did much ripping. Partly due to being guilty of SWE (sewing while exhausted). I too used my intuition because of the symmetry.

    Mine also took some time because of modifications I tried to make and failed. LOL. But I am ok with that.

    Best way to learn– make mistakes. 🙂

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