Oliver + S

Using fleece for jacket?

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    Pandora @Pandora

    I’m thinking about making this in some kind of fleece. Has anyone tried this and will it work? Is there anything I would need to do differently? I haven’t done a lot of sewing with fleece, but I think I would not need to finish the seams.

    Liesl Gibson

    I think it would probably work since fleece is stretchy. You might want to make a size larger than normal, since the jacket is intended to fit relatively close to the body. You won’t want to put it over sweaters or anything very bulky, but as a lightweight jacket it should be fine.

    Prissy @Prissy

    I had this question also, but I don’t understand the answer given. The suggested fabrics for this pattern are NOT stretchy. How are sewing patterns for woven and knits different. It’s my understanding that we should never use the wrong type of fabric, but I hate being limited. Is there a rule or technique for converting a pattern from one to the other?

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I think it’s best to let common sense be your guide. A sweatshirt fleece with some give might work, but a super firm, bulky canvas might look stiff and cardboardy. You *can* make anything out of anything, I imagine, but the question is, what effect do you want to achieve? I don’t think there’s a set rule for what will work. Perhaps if you could give a more specific example — when you say you had this question, do you mean that you wanted to make this jacket from sweatshirt fleece? Or polar fleece? I think mama_knowles03 on flickr recently made one in white fleece, and also lined it in fleece. It’s lovely, and a different look from the same jacket made in a pinwale cord, for example. I think that generally, items intended for knits may call for narrower seam allowances than those intended for wovens, but you’d need to check the particular pattern you have in mind. I make the Sailboat shirt in knits and in fact like it better in knits, because it’s close-fitting and I have a squirmy toddler — the bit of give in knits makes it easier for her to wriggle into.

    Prissy @Prissy

    Thank you. I was thinking sweatshirt fleece. Your reply gave me the confidence to go for and just use my best judgment. You also made me realize that doing the opposite, knit pattern in woven, may not have enough give to even put on.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I think it’ll be really cute, I look forward to seeing what you make!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Prissy, check out the flicker group, there are a number of Sunday Brunch jackets made out of fleece.

    I was going to mention that most woven patterns you could have a go in knits but most knit patterns won’t work as woven as they rely on the stretch for fitting and getting on and off.

    If it’s an Oliver and S pattern take some time to go through the pool, just search by the pattern. I think I’ve seen the jumprope view B, class picnic top, badminton top, sailboat top, naturewalk pullover, Sunday Brunch jacket have all been done in stretch knits even though their recommended as woven patterns.

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