Oliver + S

Twirly skirts?

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    Ana Enriquez @anaenriquez

    The kid I sew for has recently expressed an interest in skirts that are good for twirling. What are your favorite Oliver and S patterns for achieving a twirly skirt? (I’m looking for ones that come in childrens’ size 5.) What about fabrics? And any general tips on types of patterns to look for? Thanks!

    Liesl Gibson

    The Swingset Skirt has been really popular because it’s quite full and can also be reversible… That might be a good place to start?

    Enbee @Enbee

    If you’re also interested in dresses with twirly skirts, the Building Block dress is twirly, and you can add additional fullness to it to make it even twirlier.

    In general, I think skirts/skirts of dresses that are cut curved are going to twirl more than skirts that are gathered rectangles – see circle skirts as the extreme example. I’ve made a modified BBD and accidentally added enough fullness that the skirt is just a little bit shy of a full circle, and it’s my daughter’s favorite dress precisely because it’s the “twirliest.”
    (I say accidentally because I didn’t realize how close I’d come to a full circle – had I realized, I’d have just made a circle skirt!)

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