Oliver + S

Trouble printing to size?

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    stowmarkate @stowmarkate

    I live in the UK and am trying to print the pattern for the dress – I printed it (on A4 paper), but the printout when taped together only measures 14″ tall for size 4 rather than the 20 1/4″ tall as listed in the pattern.

    Is anyone else having this problem? I sewed the dress together without double-checking the measurements and it’s TINY.

    Liesl Gibson

    Check your print settings and make sure you’re not scaling the pages to fit your paper. It should be printing at 100%, and then you won’t have problems with it. The grid behind all the pieces is an easy way to confirm the correct scale, too.

    I hope it works out!

    anoushkamae @anoushkamae

    what are the measurements of the grid?

    Is size 2 for a new born?

    thanks so much!

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    Anoushkamae, a size 2 would be for a 2 year old.

    stowmarkate @stowmarkate

    FINALLY fixed it. I didn’t realise that the grid squares are 1inch squares – it’s not written on the pattern anywhere! Can’t wait to (re)make the dress!

    cinqly @cinqly

    I printed out a pattern at 100% and found that the test squares are slightly smaller than one inch! I reset the sizing to 102% and they seem spot for the 1″ test square and grid. Has anyone else had this issue? I am worried that it will not work out right, but then again it can’t be any worse than the clothing turning out too small either, right?

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    cinqly I had exactly that issue (https://oliverands.com/forums/topic.php?id=1515&page=3#post-22681) with the Woodland Cape pattern. My 1″ square was printing at 15/16ths of an inch. Solved by changing the paper size to “letter” although still putting A4 paper in the printer. Hope that helps.

    cinqly @cinqly

    Thanks for the feedback! glad I’m not alone! For my printer right now it seems like it is best for me to print off a test page to confirm scale first. It looks like 102% is the magic number, but I realize that can change from printer to printer, or pattern to pattern. Seems like a test page to measure scale will be safest to avoid printing 40+ pages at the incorrect scale (which MAY have already happened!!), or worse, having the garment turn out too small!! 🙂

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