Oliver + S

Trouble Printing PDF pattern to scale

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    Becca @macaronquilts

    I’m totally new here, and I’m excited to start sewing my first ever Oliver + S pattern. I’m working with the Cappuccino Dress Pattern, and I’ve tried printing it from two different computers (one Mac and one PC), and two different printers, each time we’ve carefully ensured that the scale is set to 100%, not scale to fit, and each time the test square is so slightly under an inch that I’m wondering if it’s meant to be that way or what I need to do. I’ve attached a picture (excuse my chipped polish;-)). I realize it’s literally 1/32nd short, so I don’t know if that’s normal or not, but I’m a quilter and used to working precisely in small pieces, and this is definitely under an inch. Should I try increasing the scale to slightly over 100% until I get it right on the inch line? Or would I have better luck taking it to a copy center? I have printed other PDF patterns correctly (and easily), so I’ve been surprised to struggle with this one so much. Thanks for any tips!

    rebecca @rebecca

    You know … i have the same situation!! Exactly. So, I’m curious to the answer too. I finally wondered if tje measurement is *outside* the box; from outer line to outer line. Anyway … sort of grateful I’m not the only one who noticed. Curious to hear!

    Todd Gibson

    That does seem a little odd to me.

    I’ve checked, and the source file is spot on. I’ve just looked at it in our design software, and the box is set to be exactly 1 inch by 1 inch. And I printed the same page you have, and mine measures exactly to spec. I’m not sure why you’re having the issue you are seeing. It could be due to the printer and/or printer driver you are using.

    One thing to check: are you opening and printing the file with Adobe Reader? Some other PDF readers are known to not handle printing to scale as well.

    The measurement is made from the outside edge of the line to the outside edge of the line. Try measuring that and see how much closer it gets you. From the look of your photo, I’m guessing you may still be a hair off. Chances are that amount won’t make a difference in your sewing. But if you want to be completely accurate, you could scale the document to 101% or 102% to get the measurement from outside edge of line to outside edge of line to be exactly one inch on your printer. I’ve heard from someone before who did this and it worked fine.

    Becca @macaronquilts

    Thanks for your reply @Todd! Yes, we did try using Adobe Reader on the PC, the Mac was using Apple’s Preview program. I wondered about the printer drivers, so we tried two different printers (one was an old HP and one was an Epson, so different drivers). I really appreciate you verifying in your file for me. I’ll see if I can enlarge it slightly to get it closer.

    Sandra Hartwig @SandraHartwig

    I used to have problems printing off patterns here in NZ and had to enlarge by 108%.
    I have just successfully managed just to print the size layers I need using adobe acrobat at the correct scale, meaning a big saving on both paper and ink.
    Just love all the patterns!!

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