The size 5 project
10 years ago LINK
Sarvi @Sarvi
We’re homeschooling this week, so I’m up to my eyeballs in undone tasks, but Monday I should be able to finish up the photos for the photography blog post, wrangle laundry, and then I can sort things out to get us started. Anybody want to host on their blog? I am not a blogger, but would be happy to contribute text + photos.
10 years ago LINKBrittney @georgeandizzy
I am definitely not a ‘big blogger’ or anything, but if you want somewhere to write more you are welcome to take over mine, unless you get a better offer;)
My oldest is in 10 and that is making me so sad! My two littles are a 3/4 so I need to get on making the older ones before I run out of time as I tend to be a procrastinator, haha.
10 years ago LINKFrances Suzanne @Frances Suzanne
Sarvi, I think this is a LOVELY idea! I can’t tell you how many times we’ve discussed recently how we need to sew these patterns as much as possible before our nieces outgrow them! They truly are some of our favorites. We just sewed our first 4T (bubble dress) which we are crossing our fingers will be large on the oldest niece and carry her through next year. Our blog is full next week with ‘flip this pattern’, but we’d love to be involved in any way – blog post, teaser, facebook shout outs, whatever. . .just let us know! francessuzanne2 (at) gmail (dot) com
10 years ago LINKFrances Suzanne @Frances Suzanne
Side note: the Lullaby Layette goes to 24M, but I’m not sure that it really fits the ‘specs’ of what you are trying to accomplish here.
10 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Yay, thank you! I think the idea behind it is that people may have sentimental attachments (for me it’s to the Tea Party dress and by extension to the earliest patterns) and it would be nice to give the ones about to be outgrown a fitting goodbye. Hopefully it won’t *really* be goodbye and they’ll be used often for cousins, friends, etc. but when your primary client(s) outgrow them, there’s a real pang. If you sewed your baby’s layette that she wore home from the hospital using the Lullaby, it would certainly tug your heartstrings to say goodbye! I’m happy for everyone to be included, wherever they are in the process. Can anybody think of a more inclusive name?
I’ll happily accept any volunteers who’d like to host, why not pick your favorite pattern and host that one? Thank you Brittney for volunteering so we have a home base!
10 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I am looking forward to indulging in these patterns a plenty seeing as they have been the least used until recently. Both my older two are beyond the size 12 for bottoms at least I haven’t tried the sketchbook shirt for N in a 12 as yet but have the feeling I shouldn’t bother. So I am looking forward to sewing all the patterns for this little one due in just 10 weeks time.
10 years ago LINKWe’re always happy to host anything you’d like to post! You’re all so lovely!
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
I don’t have time to fully take this on but I do have a tute for the Swing Set, I could possibly incorporate that.
I want to re-do the skirt part of my tute, anyway.
10 years ago LINKJustine J @justmejay
…happy to offer up my blog too, Sarvi, such as it is! (Am actually mid-draft in a post on this right now!)
I’ve decided that I shall take advantage of it being KCW next week to get started – tea party and Swingset first, I think
10 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Yay! I’m so glad so many folks are interested! Definitely no need for everyone to make everything, especially you ladies with tiny babies. They’re a full time job in themselves. I would actually find a tute for the skirt really useful — I messed up the elastic for the skirt casing the one time I made it.
10 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
Of course many if these are summer patterns. I’m pretty sure I will get one maybe even two more summers out of the puppet show shorts. I made her size 4 this summer and she could still squeeze into the size 3 from last summer. So the size 5 project will last the year, right?
And I was thinking about the paper vs digital thing. One thing I would definitely consider buying in digital would be puppet shorts if they were ever sized up. Maybe swing set too.
10 years ago LINKYou know, I’ve been thinking about those shorts too. And the Swing Set Skirt, right? I might be able to make that happen, but I need to get a bunch of other things crossed off my list first. Like the spring patterns. And this fabric collection. And and and…
10 years ago LINKBrittney @georgeandizzy
Oh my!! I would looove the swingset skirt bigger, my 9 year old would die for one. 😉 Not that you don’t have a million other things to do, haha.
10 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
I would love some larger puppet Show Shorts! These are my preferred matching cover ups under georgeous dresses, once a baby’s out of nappies, as well as just shorts. I suspect it would get a lot of use especially given the rather short shorts trend at the moment 🙂
10 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
If either of those comes out in a bigger size this project will be a success before it started! (Hush, nobody point out that I’m trying to glom on here and scoop up some credit.)
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