Oliver + S

Terrace Dress sleeve hem

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    Sabrina B. @sbmeist

    Hello! On my first Terrace Dress I found it difficult to sew the hem on the sleeves (View A). When I turned the hem under, it wouldn’t meet the fabric of the sleeve near the side seam. When I stitched the hem, I was unable to stitch it down at the side seam.

    I’ve cut a second dress and am wondering if I should try a different strategy. Any ideas? A bias strip?


    Jennifer @jcolman

    I had the exact same problem. I ended up aggressively clipping into the seam allowance to get it lie smoother, but still never could get it stitched flat at the underarm. There’s about 1/2″ at each underarm/side seam that I simply didn’t sew down. I’m hoping it holds up in the wash. Would love to know if there’s a fix.

    Sabrina B. @sbmeist

    I’m glad to hear it wasn’t just me!

    In my second version, I did use a bias strip to finish the sleeve hem and it worked much better. I first trimmed the sleeve so that the hemming would match the 1/4″ seam allowance for the bias binding (instead of the 5/8″ hem the pattern is designed for). Then I used a bias strip and followed the instructions for the neckline.

    Nancy @nancys

    Just wondering if any adjustments have been made to the pattern to address the sleeve hem problem some people (above)had?

    lakepa @lakepa

    Please see the tutorial “How to Turn a Long Sleeve Shirt into Short Sleeves” by Shelley. This may help you figure out how to modify the sleeve pattern or the sleeve portion of the dress pattern.

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