Oliver + S

Sunday Brunch Skirt Errata

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    Just Tory @Just Tory

    I was constructing the skirt from the Sunday Brunch pattern. Before I started I had checked for errata on the site. The errata indicated that I should add an inch to the waistband piece for the size I was making, so I did. However, when I got to the point of attaching the waistband to the skirt I ended up with two extra inches of waistband, exactly the amount added to the pattern when cut on the fold. Is it possible my pattern had the correct pattern piece in it already?

    Liesl Gibson


    Yes, this error was corrected in reprints, so the errata applies only to the first printing. You can tell which version you have by looking in the little copyright box on the pattern sheet. There are a series of numbers at the bottom of the box that look like this:

    1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

    The lowest number on the list will indicate which version of the pattern you have, so if the number 1 is missing, your pattern has been corrected.

    Sorry–that’s probably more information than you wanted to know. And I apologize for the extra work on your part!



    Just Tory @Just Tory

    I actually love that amount of information! Thanks for explaining it to me!

    Liesl Gibson

    Oh, I’m glad it’s interesting! We do it a little differently than book publishers, who knock off one number each time they go back to press. Instead, we just knock off a number for every revision. So far we’ve never had to revise more than once, and I hope we never do!

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