1. Skirt: Pattern piece #10, skirt waistband: for all infant sizes (6-12 months through 24 months), please add 3/4″ to the back edge of the waistband. For all other sizes (size 2T through size 8), please add 1″ to the back edge of the waistband.
2. Jacket: Pattern piece #1, front yoke: for all sizes, shift the lefthand button and buttonhole markings 3/8″ toward the center front.
3. Please note the following change to the instructions. On page 2, 3rd column at the bottom step 6: Press the bias strip toward the seam allowances. Then re-fold the bias strip so that it wraps over the seam allowances to the facing’s right side, and pin the strip’s folded edge from the right side so that it covers the seam line you sewed in Step 5.