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    lifeinoz @lifeinoz

    I just finished sewing the apron from little things to sew. I’d love to have the closures be snaps but I know NOTHING about them. Help?! I have some Christmas money….what should I buy to “put in” snaps??

    Masha Richart

    I bought resin snaps and snap pliers from KAM snaps a few years ago so that I could convert my cloth diapers from velcro to snaps. It worked ok, but snaps kept coming apart in the wash. I yearned for a snap press. Last year I took the plunge and bought the press from KAM. I haven’t used it on diapers, but I have used it on clothes and so far, all the snaps have stayed put. It’s pretty expensive, though, and I know many who are happy with the pliers.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I have a big snap press, like the one from Kam Snaps, it has been amazing! I am so glad I bought it! Yes it was expensive, about AUD $100, but since the snaps are so cheap, like $3.80 for 100 I figured I only needed to put in 100 snaps instead of buttons to be on top 🙂 it is so easy to finish the project and just go Bang, bang and the snaps are done, no mucking around with buttons and buttonholes 🙂 I have used them on my friends cloth diapers when the velcro was no longer working. These diapers have now been worn for over 12 months since the snaps went in and there have been no problems. I definitely recommend a snap press!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I just noticed you are probably in Australia, there were two sites I found

    http://www.snapsaustralia.com.au/ This is who I Bought through and I have bought extra snaps as well, the customer service has been great.

    The other one is http://www.gbau.com.au/

    mkhs @mkhs

    I’m one who is happy with snap pliers, and I use a lot of snaps! But I use a fair amount of sew-in snaps, too, which are a much cheaper option! I think snap tape would work well on the bias-trimmed apron, too.

    lifeinoz @lifeinoz

    Thanks guys! Heidi – my oz was the other oz – Kansas 😀

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Hee, hee, hee, living in Australia we forget there is another Oz! 🙂

    Masha Richart

    One more thing – if you buy the press you will later be able to put in metal snaps too – the pliers only work with resin.

    mkhs, do you find the sew-in snaps stay put ok? My grandmother always used to use them on the close she sewed for us and they were durable – but whenever I’ve done them, they seem so loose! I must not be sewing them properly.

    Greenpip @Greenpip

    Liesl did a post earlier this year on snaps using the snap setter


    It looks simple and perfect if you’re not going to be doing huge amounts of snapping. I have some pliers and I hate them! I don’t think I have enough hand strength. But I haven’t used the snap setter either as at the time of the post it wasn’t available in Oz (the continent). Just had a quick search again and for anyone in Australia who is interested you can purchase here:

    http://bubbaearth.com.au/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=8 though only a limted range of snap colours.

    Cheers Lee.

    meleliza @meleliza

    I just use the regular old Dritz kind. I tend to buy a pack whenever notions are on sale at Joann so I have them on hand. There are jeans versions and pearl studded versions too. A starter pack comes with a snap setter to use with your hammer and then I just keep buying the same size.


    Maggie @Maggie

    I have one of the snap setting tools that you tap with a hammer. It is quite easy and satisfying, but the snaps don’t hold in thick fabric. The top snap of the family reunion dress has to go through a lot of layers. I find it easier to use the sew in snaps for that top snap.

    Etsy is a good source for cheap snaps.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi


    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Excited — just ordered blue and metallic (they look like the best match for grey) snaps. So many babies to sew for, can’t wait to get my groove on once I know all the preferences from the moms.

    Kerrilyn @Kerrilyn

    Thanks for posting that link Greenpip!

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