Oliver + S

snap tape / crotch lining up — Playsuit

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    kristik22 @kristik22

    How do you get the snaptape and the crotch to line up correctly? It seemed that the back was a big longer than the front… I hemmed the shorts up 1/2 in and then 1 full inch like it said leaving just the rise to finish with the snaptape. It juse seemed like I was trying to fold in a curved line and then it was all kinda bunchy and just not smooth looking? Tips or tricks? Should I cut my pattern longer in the pants? The hems don’t really line up straight that way either… since you hem before you attach?

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    I remember that being a problem, but unhelpfully, I can’t remember what I did about it. I think it was a combination of a bit of bunching and a bit of overhang…

    kristik22 @kristik22

    Yes? I mean, if I construct the shorts without using snaps – obviously the hem is even because it’s the last thing you do. But I don’t like the look of there being a little corner overhang and the hem not matching? I was just wondering if I was doing something dumb or cutting it “wrong” (aka not precise enough). I could use snap pliers — but it’s not the tape that’s a problem… more the construction of the pants in this way?

    I see photos of others in the flickr and it all lays flat and looks nice — where I hvae more crotch material so it doesn’t lay flat? Could just be how they photographed it though πŸ™‚ I think there should be more crotch material bunching front or backwards when lying them flat…

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I have made a few of these but never used the snap tape though. On three of them I made a button placket and added buttons to closer for the legs and on two ther ones I used the snaps that you “hammer” in place. On all of them I cut the “button placket” for the leg closer on the bias so it was a bit easier to work with. I could see how it wouldn’t lay flat though. Hope this helps!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
    kristik22 @kristik22

    ok – so it’s almost like you made a little bias tape to bind the crotch and put your buttons and so forth in there… Ok ok. That would work – but I’m just mad it didn’t work properly πŸ™‚ HAHA — my inseam seemed much shorter than this also — but it was a size 12-18m and this looks larger?

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I made the 3month size. πŸ™‚ We have a little baby boy on the way any time now. I made the bias fabric cut a bit longer, it is way much easy to play with for fitting in. I also added interfacing to it too for the button holes.

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