Oliver + S

Sketchbook Pocket size?

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    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I not sure if any of you girls coud help me out some. I lost my pocket pattern piece for the lager size of the Sketchbook shirt. I can’t find it anywhere. If you are wondering if any one couls help out by telling what size to cut the pocket in. I do really own the pattern you can see what I have made.

    Mr Silly

    Thanks for any help!


    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I just found it. Yippy!!!

    wenznz @wenznz

    Wow, I have to say you’ve certainly made good use of this pattern!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh thank goodness for that! Where was it hiding? I’ve had that happen before – mixing up pattern pieces due to too many patterns on the table at once is most often what’s to blame. So glad you found it.

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