Oliver + S

Size for tall skinny toddler

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    Masha Richart

    I just bought this pattern five days ago and have already sewn all three items in a 3T. I love everything about them … except the fit on my tall, skinny 2.5-year-old. I wasn’t confident messing with the pattern before sewing it once through, since I don’t have a lot of experience. But the pants and skirt are falling off her. Her waist measurement is less than 19″ – so the 6-12 month size. But she is tall and needs the length of the 3T. I want to sew another skirt and pair of pants. Is it as simple as using the 6-12 month pattern but adding extra length to correspond with the 3T pattern in the rise and inseams? Anyone done this? Thanks!

    sayiamyou @maraya

    What I personally do is sew the size necessary to fit her waist (sometimes I sew a size up and use buttonhole elastic for growing room) then adjust the length to the appropriate size. For instance, my almost 3 yr old needs a 4 (sometimes 5!!) length in pants, but she’s still 3T in the waist. You should find it simple enough to keep tracing down to the 3T for length.

    Hope this helps! Don’t forget to show us in the Flickr pool.

    Masha Richart

    Thanks for the tips. I will try it, and post pictures. I am on my way to becoming an O+S addict 😉 Off to post the three garments I already sewed.

    Liesl Gibson

    S is very tall and this, too, so I sew according to her chest measurement and add length to the appropriate size. Right now I’m sewing her a 4 or 5 lengthened to a 7. I posted instructions for lengthening (and shortening) a pattern a while ago on our blog. Here is a link, and it can also be found in the tutorials section on the right-hand side of the blog:


    I hope that helps. One of the great things about sewing is that you can make these adjustments. Otherwise I’d never find pants or skirts that fit her!

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