Oliver + S

Size 6X – should I go for a 7?

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    Aviatrix51 @Aviatrix51

    My almost 5 year old nephew is wearing size 6X clothing. I want to make him a pair of pants and a few shirts – Should I go for a 7 as Oliver and S doesn’t have a 6X?

    My nephew is in Texas, and getting measurements out of my Sister in law is like pulling teeth.

    I sweated out making Dear Niece a Popover dress in a Size 12 – with the length of an 8. (I redrafted by measuring out the increase in size for the last two sizes and adding that to a traced pattern.) It fits her nicely and she loved the matching doll dress.



    JohannaO @JohannaO

    Perhaps you can look on this and compare the measurements to the pattern


    It looks like a 6x extends the waist and hips a 1/2 inch, and the length by 2 inches. Is he wearing a 6x for the waist? For the Length? I’m assuming he’s either a very tall kid or is rolling up the pants legs. My guess is that you can make the 6 because most of the Oliver and S pants have a lot of give in the waist and the hips. And if it’s long, he can always grow into it.

    And if you need to modify it, either shorter or wider, here’s the link to Leisl’s tutorial on modifying the pattern-


    Liesl Gibson

    6X is generally just a longer size 6, which is why we don’t include it as one of our sizes–it’s very easy to lengthen a 6 as needed–but I would also suggest checking the measurement chart to decide which size to make.

    Aviatrix51 @Aviatrix51

    Thank you! I’ll check the chart and then call my sister in law. (Fingers Crossed!)

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