Oliver + S

shortening the sleeves?

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    Kathy @khiggs

    I’d like to shorten the sleeves approximately 5 inches. I’m not sure where best to do this, as there’s no lengthen/shorten line. Should I divide the 5 inches between two locations on the sleeve? Am I correct in assuming I should shorten in approximately the same place on the under sleeve and upper sleeve?
    Thank you!


    Karin @Karin

    Since no one else is jumping in here, I can only offer a bit of insight from lengthening things, which is that when you change the length, the width (or circumference) changes a bit too. So my tendency in the case of shortening a sleeve would be to do it in a way that ensures the sleeve is the width you want at various points on the arm. Not sure if this is relevant for the pattern you’re using.

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