Oliver + S

Short sleeve bias trim

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    LauraB @LauraB

    Hello – Given no one else has raised this issue, I must be doing something wrong! I am making the short sleeved version and have just pinned the bias trim to the sleeve, but I seem to have almost twice as much trim as I need. Should I have cut this piece in half, or have I lost the plot?!

    Thanks for any advice. I am loving sewing your patterns.


    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    Hi Laura

    I seem to remember having at least an inch too much on the 12-18 month old size. I think as long as the sleeve opening does not look too small (in which case maybe your seam allowances were greedy and ate up too much fabric) then just snip the excess.

    Liesl Gibson

    As I recall, this piece wasn’t cut to the exact length but, rather, you trim it to fit the sleeve.

    LauraB @LauraB

    Thank you! It seems to have worked fine. I used linen, so perhaps that had a bit more stretch across the bias than quilting cotton.

    E1izabeth @E1izabeth

    I used the trim on the long sleever version and it worked great but I had quite a bit of extra length. I assumed that the extra length was used for the pattern pieces so that you can use it on the short sleever version in any size and not come up short. Glad to hear that your version worked out LauraB!

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