Oliver + S

Sewing with knit

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    Jerri @jerrimayfield

    I love to sew but have never sewn with knit. Probably because no one that I know sews knit fabrics and I know I would need some guidance to get started. I would love some online recommendations that would help me get started. Does anyone know of an online class or tutorial? Thanks so much!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Hi Jerri! I remember being really intimidated by knits when I first started, but I’ve come to really enjoy them. They’re very forgiving, in a way. Here are a few great tips:

    tips for sewing with knit fabrics

    I found that my specific setup had a few quirks — for who knows what reason, ballpoint needles didn’t work well for me but stretch needles did, and now I’ve gotten to where I just use regular needles when I forget to switch types, and I don’t even really notice it.

    Some types of knit are very slinky and liquidy and tricky to handle, while the more stable types like interlock are much easier to keep lined up and moving smoothly.

    Good luck and don’t hesitate to ask if you have more questions, lots of the other gals around here are quite experienced.

    Liesl Gibson

    All of our knit patterns have additional tips and guidance included in the instructions, so that’s probably a good place to start as well. It’s not very difficult, and it’s actually much faster than sewing with wovens, so don’t be intimidated!

    Jerri @jerrimayfield

    Thanks ladies so much for your replies! I think I have just worked this up to be a bigger deal in my mind than what it really is. I probably just need to get some fabric and a pattern and give it a go.
    Thanks, Jerri

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