sewing machine
13 years ago LINK
meleliza @meleliza
That is some birthday gift! How nice. When I tried one, I remember being very impressed with how it sews, but that I couldn’t figure out how to do anything without being shown. Maybe next time, I will shop around more carefully and invest in one. I got a brother for Christmas last year and it has a lot of features I like, is pretty reliable, but does have some minor issues I don’t love. I’ve heard of people buying a used bernina too.
13 years ago LINKrastis @rastis
oh i agree the bernina bobbin system is a PITA, especially when you have come from other machines with different bobbin set ups… it is still one of my pet peeves about the machine… the feet are pretty cool though- far superior to the janome ones i had… and seriously anyone who has a bernina and sews clothes should get themselves a #10 foot… i use it almost as much as my zigzag foot…
i’ve heard the old berninas last pretty much forever… although i don’t think the new feet work on them…
13 years ago LINKsarahkossanderson @sarahkossanderson
My Bernina cost nearly $5,000 with the BSR and Embroidery Module. It was a gift from my parents or else I could have never afforded one. I am so grateful to them. I feel my new machine has greatly improved my sewing as well.
13 years ago LINKAmyF @AmyF
A good machine can make such a difference!
I used to have a beat up old hand-me-down singer. That thing was a beast! A couple years ago I upgraded to a Pfaff 2058 and it is an absolute dream! I just love it to pieces. In fact, my mom offered to upgrade me to a Pfaff embroidery machine so she could hand my 2058 down to my little sister. No way! I’m keeping this baby, I can’t imagine sewing without it! I don’t know how Pfaffs compare to Berninas but they are are also wonderful machines with some neat features that make sewing dreamy!
13 years ago LINKscgoble @scgoble
I thought y’all would get a laugh out of this since we’re talking Berninas:
For some background, this Ryan Gosling “hey girl” meme has been going around the internet for a while, but this site is dedicated to sewing, crafting, etc. So if you’re a fan of his (as I am) check it out.
12 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
6 years ago LINKThe Duchess @Duchess
I also love my Bernina, BUT feel that Brother gives you more machine o a whole lot less money and Bernina’s are no longer made in Switzerland, but in Vietnam.Brother has the true self threader and the cost is far less money.
6 years ago LINKAlice Miller @Alice
Currently I’m working with my loyal Singer 4423, but my heart belongs to Bernina. I still regret that I missed an opportunity to buy a used Record 883 model.
6 years ago LINKCarole N. @CaroleN199
I started with a Singer 1978 and used it for years. I then saved doing alterations and repairs at a local dry cleaners and got a Pfaff machine. Used that till last yeaar and bought myself a Janome and I just love it! It hums when I sew and the Professional was not too expensive… I was afraid I would be sorry but it has a leg bar and I use it often… just sharing with you all. I now have a coverstitch machine because I find I am sewing mostly knitted fabrics and it does a super hem…. Years ago I only sewed woven but now so many really nice knits! There is always something new to experience and learn with sewing! Carole in PA
6 years ago LINKSarah @sarah2557
I just bought a Brother Dream Machine 2 and I am attempting stippling by scanning my design. I’ve been able to do it successfully once, however, now when I go into “saved outlines” my current embroidery doesn’t show up, only the previous outlines do. I’m not sure how to get the outline of the embroidery I just scanned to show up in saved outlines now.
6 years ago LINKEmily P @Emily P
I have made dozens of clothing items for my kids, including hats, bags, backpack, stuffies, etc. Also probably more than 100 costume pieces for my kids’ plays, all on my Janome mechanical Sewist. Increasingly, I found that the Janome was not up to the more rugged projects, such as the back pack and I turned to my Singer 301 for that. Suddenly, vintage machines were finding me right and left and now I am trying to get rid of some so I can spend time sewing rather than maintaining an old machine. I did find it quite nice to sew a potholder today on my 1924 Singer 128 though. It came in a table that I really wanted, but the wires to the motor were cut so I added an aftermarket crank. So fun, and great for those curved seams! I also have a few Necchi machines that I am trying to get back to their former glory including this rare hand-crank AND electric Necchi Mirella.
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