Oliver + S

Scissors and thread

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    madebymum @madebymum

    Hi I am going to treat myself to some new scissors and was looking for your recommendations. What brand do you love to use?. And also what threads do you prefer?

    Nicole @motherof5

    I love my spring loaded scissors, if anyone touches them,look out! As for thread , you can not beat Rasant, it comes in large spools and is super strong. I think it is just as good as Mettler or Metrosene (sp?) but a lot more economical. I can give you a website in Australia or you could google it.

    To change the subject slightly, I just picked up a bag of Mother of Pearl buttons, multi sized, 1000 for under $40 aus. It was on ebay and the seller has a few more bags. I have received mine and they are great. If anyone is interested I can get her address.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Hi , I went to check my scissors, they are Fiskars, razor edge .

    Liesl Gibson

    We have all sorts of scissors in the studio, but I strongly prefer classic dressmaking scissors. They’re beautifully balanced and weighted and will last you forever. You can easily have them sharpened, so I don’t worry about cutting paper or fabric with them. One of my favorite pairs are made by Mundial, which I believe you can purchase at any sewing store. They’re worth the extra price, in my opinion. I like the spring-loaded scissors too, but they don’t feel substantial to me. Just my two cents.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Liesl’s right, ( well she should know). I have a pair of Mundials that are great for denim, or if you cut out multiple items at once, but they are so heavy! After a day of cutting, my hand throbs. They are a great investment, mind.My spring load only last a couple of years.

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