Oliver + S

School days Coat toggles and cord

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    madebymum @madebymum

    Hi all I hope you had a lovely Christmas, I have finally summed up the courage to sew the school days coat. I have purchased some beautiful navy wool and some fun cotton for the lining but have not found toggle buttons and leather cord . Could anyone recommend suppliers. Thanks

    sayiamyou @maraya

    I used buttons, but Liesl posted this in reply to another’s similar quetion:

    <i>I bought some at Pacific Trimming here in NYC–they’re really more white, but parts are clear so they could pass for cream if it’s not a very yellow-hued cream. Here is a link to their website, and if you don’t see what you need just call them.

    here are the toggles: http://www.flickr.com/photos/disdressed/4276621046/

    and here is the website: http://www.pacifictrimming.com/

    I hope it works out. Too bad, I was just there this morning and could have picked them up for you!</i>

    Hope that helps.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I found some on Ebay.

    cherry @cherry

    I’m no help with the toggles, but but bear in mind you can get creative with the ties if you don’t use leather. I used a woven natural linen tape with my first school days coat (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7608459@N02/4803228225/in/set-72157622375904064/), and a cute natural twisted string (hard to describe!) on my second. I couldn’t find any leather that was quite right!

    Good on you for trying the coat. I don’t think it is a difficult thing to sew, just take your time and you’ll be right!

    madebymum @madebymum

    Hi everyone thanks so much for your input. I managed to find some wooden toggles and cord locally hope it looks ok on the finished coat. I have got the hood done this morning and hope to get a couple of hours on it tonight.

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