Oliver + S

School days Coat Sew along?

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    madebymum @madebymum

    Please could someone host a School Days coat sew along? I really enjoyed the Ice Cream dress sew along, it was fun sewing the same thing at the same time as so many other people and with such a variety of fabrics and colours. I was quite scared about a 2 scissor but the step by step approach really helped . I think there are lots of us who would love to sew this gorgeous coat a sew along would be great.

    Todd Gibson

    It’s not the School Days Coat, but Sew, Mama, Sew! just announced that they are co-hosting a sew along next month for the Jump Rope Dress. Details here:


    madebymum @madebymum

    That is fantastic news I love the jump rope dress. However the School days Coat is something I am itching to make particularly as my little boy is desperate for a bright red one, a sew along would just give me that extra confidence boost I need.

    ckcsbella @ckcsbella

    I’ve got one cut out, but I’m not sure when I’m getting to it (maybe next week.) Very excited about the Jump Rope Dress sew along, though. I might have to find fabric to do another!

    mrsc1345 @mrsc1345

    While I have no sewing blog and therefor no way to start a sew-along I am of no help, (although I think it is a fantastic idea. In fact, I strongly feel that there should be a rotating sew-along of every Oliver + S pattern, because they are lovely and I love those types of things…) But I do want to say, GO FOR IT! It is a three scissor pattern, but it is so easy. It is just time consuming, just because you have to trace and cut out so many pieces. I was so intimidated by this coat so I put off getting it for too long, but now I have cut and sewn two in one week! The only part that confused me for a minute was the pocket directions. THE POCKET. As in, sew two squares right side together and turn. (truthfully, I was just trying to figure out which way to place the fabric so my hedgehogs wouldn’t end up upside down.) Just be sure to clearly clip all your notches and you are good to go. Take the plunge, it’s worth it!

    Jemellia @Jemellia

    I am considering hosting a sew along for this coat on my blog, I need to check out prep time for it.

    madebymum @madebymum

    I can’t help you with prep time but just wanted to let you know I would love you to host a sew along for the school days coat.

    babyjoy @babyjoy

    Please, please! I’m planning on making one soon.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I would love to join this sew-along !

    Jemellia @Jemellia

    Okay, okay, I’ll do it. I ordered my wool on Friday. I will get everything prepared over the next 2 weeks.

    Emily @Emily

    Count me in! I wasn’t able to join the Jump Rope dress sew along as I’m out of town, but I have some laminated cotton that I’ve been meaning to make up into a coat.

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    I will have to order some fabric!! Since I am already having trouble finding time to do the jump rope sew along, I am not sure how I am going to find time for this- but I REALLY want to make this coat!!

    madebymum @madebymum

    This is great news, you have made my day I have just ordered some melton wool fabric.

    Jemellia @Jemellia

    It will be a few weeks before I start the sew along, I may announce the plans soon just for people to order supplies! I’m really excited!

    Does anyone know how to use photoshop for a few graphics?

    taheinen @taheinen

    Where did you order your wool from? I would like some recommendations for online fabric stores other then Fabric.com

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