Oliver + S


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    Justine J @justmejay

    I felt very pleased this afternoon – Will split his sandbox shorts I made him (the ones with the echino leg) about 2 weeks ago and they had sat in my sewing room waiting to be mended. I finally summoned up the courage to attempt to mend them this afternoon (- did a pretty good job of it, I have to say!)

    Anyway, that’s not why I feel happy/satified – when Will came home and I told him that I had mended them, he immediately took off the shorts he was wearing and put his handmade ones on! Sometimes I’m not really sure how much my kids like the things I make, but this showed me that at least one of them loves his shorts!

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Oh, Justine that’s wonderful! What a great feeling!

    Anonymous @


    Sarvi @Sarvi


    Noodles @Noodles

    It’s wonderful isn’t? I was so happy (if not a little embarrassed) when my 4yr old son had a near tantrum in Spotlight because he ‘REALLY WANTED A SHIRT MADE FROM THIS MATERIAL MUM!!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!’ hehehhe Seeing as he has previously refused to wear most of the clothes I had made him. Now he asks when his shorts and clothes have finished washing so he can wear them again.

    Justine J @justmejay

    hehehehe – Will got up and got dressed in…his shorts again this morning! I cut him out another pair yesterday – think I’d better go and get sewing!

    It is a wonderful feeling – particularly since Will is not a very demonstrative child (going through a 6 yr old boy stage :()

    freyiris @freyiris

    Justine when you make something as cool as those echino shorts – these are the panther ones right? – it’s not surprising he can’t wait to put them on. I love those shorts!

    And that feeling of satisfaction is the perfect reward for all the time and effort you put in making them.

    Justine J @justmejay

    Yes – the panther shorts! Thanks Sharon – it’s always good to know others think they’re cool! (nice to hear from you too!)

    I’m so glad that the split was in the black leg or I don’t think I could have mended them. With Will, it’s definately action over word!

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