Oliver + S

Removing hood for collar?

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    cherry @cherry

    Hi everyone

    I am desperate to make a school days coat for my daughter, and found the perfect strawberry pink cashmere/wool last week for next to nothing. Only catch is that it was a remnant, and there is less than a yard of it, and it is an uneven cut too. If I omit the hood, I can fit all the pattern pieces on, with a bit leftover. Obviously if it doesn’t have a hood, it’ll need a collar. Are there any hints of how I would go about doing this? I’ve not done this pattern before so I don’t know if it would be possible to make this alteration successfully.

    Suggestions? Please help!!

    Thanks, Cherry

    cherry @cherry

    Update- never mind!! It has taken 2 1/2 hours of moving around pattern pieces on my lovely cashmere, and in the last 1/2 hour since posting this question I seem to have won!! I’ve managed to cut out every pattern piece needed out of the main fabric except for the pockets. There is barely a scrap left over…

    so no collar is needed- we have a hood!

    Anonymous @


    Liesl Gibson

    Way to go! Now cut carefully!

    sayiamyou @maraya

    I love when that works out! Yes, do be careful with the cutting!!

    cherry @cherry

    Oh my goodness- I’ve never been so careful in my life!! I double checked that all the pattern pieces were the correct size before I cut too as I knew if one was wrong I was stuffed!!

    My daughter is nearly 2- I am making her the 18-24 month size so fingers crossed she keeps up her habit of refusing to eat decent food, so she’ll fit into it next winter too!!

    Will be back with progress reports later…

    sayiamyou @maraya

    And pictures…don’t forget pictures!! 🙂

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    “fingers crossed she keeps up her habit of refusing to eat decent food, so she’ll fit into it next winter too!!”

    HA! Good luck, hope it all goes well!

    Nicole @motherof5

    It looks beautiful, Well Done !

    cherry @cherry

    I have posted some pics on Flickr. If anyone would like a look here are the links. note the absent pockets on the front- shame I didn’t have just a little bit more fabric!





    I love it!! So does my little girl.

    Thanks for looking, Cherry

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