Oliver + S

Puppet Show tunic pattern needed

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    esposetta @esposetta

    I know I’m late to the party (and far back in line), but I’m looking for a Puppet Show tunic pattern in a larger size. My cousin’s daughter is 2 so the 24 month won’t cut it, and the only copy I found was on a completely German website, so I had no idea how much it would be, and couldn’t find any information to help me out!

    I know this is a fantastic community of sewers, and hopefully someone out there can help me. Thanks so much!

    wendy @wendyls

    Out Of Hand http://www.out-of-hand.com/

    toll-free: (888) 263-3353

    phone: (403) 217-4871

    fax: (403) 249-1778

    I ordered one from them just yesterday and it’s worth a call. Definitely call rather than check the website.

    Also, http://www.happystitches.nl/shop. They have one for sure, I just received an e-mail from them confirming that they will ship internationally. The cost was about $25 in Canadian dollars. I’m assuming this is the German website you checked out. Just e-mail them and they’ll reply in English with an estimate.

    esposetta @esposetta

    You are awesome! Thanks so much! I’m in the US so hopefully one of them will come through. (I’m also at work so I can’t call the first one, but I did email them.) Thanks thanks thanks!

    wendy @wendyls

    This forum is awesome! I’m just passing along the info that I gathered from the helpful people here. I’d been looking for the same pattern as you for a while and only lucked out after I posted something here. Hope it works out for you!

    emstone @emstone

    In case the two above stores do not have it you can call Pieces & Patches in South Carolina at 803-359-3442. This is my LQS and I looked at the pattern in their store last week. I actually picked this same pattern and size up at the store about 4 months ago and that is what got me hooked on the O+S patterns. The owner is so nice and I am sure she would ship it to you. If she will not ship but does confirm she has it let me know and I am sure I can get it to you some way. If anybody else is looking she does have some of the Bubble dress patterns in stock as well. I am not sure what sizes though.

    esposetta @esposetta

    So, ladies (I presume), thanks to all your wonderful help, I was able to get a copy at Pieces and Patches. She’s mailing it out to me this afternoon. Thank you so much, all of you!!! I feel like I should hug everyone, I’m so happy 😀

    esposetta @esposetta

    I just wanted to let everyone know, if you’re still looking for a 2T-5, Out of Hand had one left about an hour ago. Shipping to the U.S. is $7.50.

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