Puppet Show Tunic Pattern
13 years ago LINK
Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
I received in the mail yesterday a Puppet show tunic pattern for my toddler!! (big thanks to Adrienne!) I need to buy some tissue paper for pattern tracing this morning, I was going to start last night but by the time I relized I didn’t have any tissue paper it was after the stores were closed. I can tell you ladies that I has doing a happy dance all afternoon yesterday!
13 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
So jealous. I’m going to miss the puppet show shorts. I hope they do make the oop patterns available online. I’m also really glad they changed the sizing. The old patterns, like playdate, only go up to 24 months. All of my kids were in 18months long before their first birthdays, including the current baby. So when you take into account not being able to use the shorts in winter, I only got one season out of that pattern. Sniff.
13 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Now that’s just boasting! I can hear hearts breaking all over the web…
13 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Well I know which pattern I will be downnloading should it become available again!! It’s one pattern I should’ve bought but didn’t. Congrats on your purchase Sharon, I hope you make many of them for you little one.
Meleliza, I sympathise with your tall kids – mine are very much the same and even though I’ve been told about the “brick” method, they tried that with me and I still ended up over 6 foot so… The good side is that even though they have to take a larger size, they can still fit the pattern – and – with your extraordinary skills in sewing, you get to know the anatomy of patterns really well, well enough to enlarge further if necessary (well it’s part of the dream anyway isn’t it?).
Three cheers for Sharon for scoring possibly the last Puppet Show in the world that wasn’t otherwise owned – I’m cracking some “virtual” champagne to celebrate. Good on you!
13 years ago LINKMama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
I have cut out Two tops and four shorts just yesterday, I am hoping to get them sewn up between today and tomorrow. I have the smaller size pattern but my toddler is on the small side. She measures between the 6-12 month size and the 12-18m size. II also figure that if Oliver + S doesn’t (but hoping!) make the PDF of this pattern in the larger size I will size it up when she out grows the 24m size.
13 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Meleliza, just a note — the playdate and other older patterns do come in two size ranges — https://oliverands.com/patterns/dresses/patterns4.phtml
I could swear I’ve seen that one around, I’ll post a link if I run across it.
13 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
right, I realize, but I don’t have the larger size and the smaller size only goes up to 24months. My point is that if you buy a pattern with a size range of 3 to 24 months, you’re really only going to be able to make that pattern one time if it’s a seasonal thing like the puppet show shorts. My daughter is wearing 18months now at 8months old. By next summer, she’ll have outgrown the pattern. Which is fine if you buy it for $1 but for $16, well, I’d rather get a few uses out of it. So I’m glad they changed the size ranges because now you can get more use out of the patterns.
13 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Oh, so sorry, I misunderstood — I thought you weren’t able to find the playdate in the size 4-8. I know what you mean — my daughter’s an in-between size, so right now I need patterns for both size ranges (smaller for the pants/skirts, larger for the blouses). I guess I can resell the smaller size patterns when her waist catches up to her chest, hopefully not too long after her second birthday. That might help defray the cost of other patterns. Assuming I don’t have a second kid! Although to be honest, I am so attached to these since they’re the first patterns I ever made, I might hang on to them for sentimental reasons.
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