Oliver + S

Puppet Show Tunic, Jump Rope Dress, Other Out Of Print Patterns :)

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    Violaisabelle @Violaisabelle

    I have had great difficulty trying to post in the past week. Here is hoping that Todd has my account working so I can get this thread posted. 🙂

    Today I had the privilege of visiting a fabric store in the city of Calgary, Alberta Canada. Two years ago, I did a tour of fabric stores in the Calgary and out lining area. We crossed this store off our list, due to time limitations and the fact that the web site looked like it cater to mostly bears, dolls and some quilting. WOW!!! How wrong was that. She has a wonderful inventory of fabric, patterns and books. What a treasure.

    First, this store needs an update on their web site, desperately. I was amazed when I walked into the packed store of wonderful inventory.

    I do need to mention, this is not a stroller friendly store…..but she does offer mail order. 😉 She said she goes to the post office almost every day.

    They have Oliver + S patterns, which is why I went there. Thank you Todd for pointing me in this direction.

    The set up for these patterns at the store is not a lovely display, and I never would have found them, had I not asked. Not only that, I would have thought they only had a few, when in fact, she has an inventory of these patterns, in the back. 😉 She pulled out all the patterns and while she helped other customers set up for class and such, I organized her patterns back to her original way, so they were grouped together and in alphabetical order, for people who might want to phone and inquire about a particular pattern. 😉 She has a lovely inventory of current patterns, BUT she also has some of the out of print patterns as well. I did my best to try to remember the patterns and sizes of the OOP patterns, but when I came back to this site, I realized there were more patterns OOP, so I did not take a mental note of those sizes, sorry.

    These are not all in pristine condition. The edges and such have been bumped around, some more so then others. However, if you are wanting to get your hands on some of these patterns, here is one way to do it. I also want to mention the patterns run about $17-19.50 in Canadian dollars. She probably took on this inventory when the Canadian dollar was much lower then the US dollar, although I know now the dollars have switched positions. I do not know the shipping costs.

    Here are some of the out of print patterns she had in stock:

    Playdate dress smaller sizes 2 maybe 3 left

    Puppet Show tunic Only smaller sizes left about 4 patterns.

    Bubble Dress (sorry I didn’t take notice of size) but had 2 patterns left

    Jump Rope dress larger sizing I believe she had at least 3 copies, possibly as many as 5 (my brain couldn’t remember everything)

    Sunday Brunch, again, I don’t remember the sizing of the two patterns, I am pretty sure one was the larger size, but don’t know about the other one.

    Swingset tunic 2 patterns, I do not know which sizes.

    Sandbox pants 1 or two of the smaller size.

    Bedtime Story Pajamas she had several patterns, but I did not take note of the different sizes.

    This owner was a delight to meet and I got a much better perspective on her lovely store. Her name is: Deirdre (pronounced “DEAR-druh” — she loves it when you get it right!) I took that from her web site. The name of the web site and telephone number are:

    Out Of Hand http://www.out-of-hand.com/

    toll-free: (888) 263-3353

    phone: (403) 217-4871

    fax: (403) 249-1778

    If you decide to phone and place an order, please let her know you heard about it here, on the O + S forum from Carol. I receive nothing for this. It is simply a courtesy to let her know I am sharing the news about her lovely store .

    I hope this is helpful for some people. 🙂


    gnashsewing @gnashsewing

    There is also a place in Cedar Rapids, Iowa that has many patterns.

    Their web site is


    It looks as if they have both sized of each pattern.

    I have ordered from them and have received prompt service and only once received

    a slightly worn pattern package.

    Give them a try also.


    Mandy1977 @Mandy1977

    I can second the endorsement for Pine Needles. I have ordered from them several times and always been happy.

    Rpankow @excytin

    Gayle & Mandy,

    Where in CR are they located? I live in Decorah and will be making my way through there to visit the folks this weekend. Thanks! 🙂


    Mandy1977 @Mandy1977

    Hi Rebecca,

    I have only ever ordered from them online, but their address is 1000 Old Marion Rd NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 if that helps.

    Other directions are here – http://www.pineneedles.net/store/pc/viewcontent.asp?idpage=1

    Enjoy and have fun!


    Rpankow @excytin


    Thanks a bunch for the info! That does help. Hopefuly I’ll have time to go, I’m sure going to try to make time. 🙂

    thetinyhouse @thetinyhouse

    The” OOP” post caught my eye. I have been searching and searching for the Puppet Show Tunic, Dress and Shorts pattern (sz. 3-5) FOREVER with no luck, or an email stating they were “out of stock”. However, I stumbled upon this website —> http://www.bebejapanese-textiles.com/ and found one! This time I emailed to see if they actually had it. I didn’t hear back for a few days and thought, nope. But guess what? ? They emailed back and they do have it! In both sizes! So, if you are looking… check it out. They actually have quite a good variety of O+S patterns. They are in Australia.. the price was $27.00, which may be a lot.. not sure how they price. But i didn’t care! Just thought i’d let you all know =)

    Cheers! Kristy

    Violaisabelle @Violaisabelle


    I had seen that as well and was about to order from them when Todd put me onto this Canadian seller, who had both sizes of the pattern (I think I took the last larger sized of the Puppet show pattern), and the price was more reasonable than the site you linked to, not to mention, I didn’t have to pay shipping. The shipping for these patterns is not cheap, and to add another pattern, doesn’t reduce the shipping cost all that much, or at least the ones I have purchased from other sellers in the past did not reduce much. I am use to purchasing vintage patterns off of ebay, so shipping is much better on older patterns than the lovely Oliver + S pattern.

    I’m glad you were successful! 🙂


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