Oliver + S

Puppet Show as Snow White Dress?

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    janimal @janimal

    My darling two year old just LOVES Snow White. I went searching online for a Snow White costume and was a bit disappointed at what I saw. Still, for dressup one of those costumes would do and I’m sure she would love them.

    However, we just booked a vacation to DisneyWorld, and I can imagine that those polyester costumes might be really uncomfortable under the Florida sun and it would be SO much fun for Delilah to wear her Snow White Dress when we go to parks and dine with the princesses! So I figured if I made her a costume myself, I could make it from a breathable cotton rather than the polyester stuff storebought costumes are made of, and then she would be more comfortable in the Florida heat.

    So I’m thinking of using the Puppet Show Dress as my pattern and turning it into a Snow White dress. But I would add more fullness in the sleeves. I think I can figure that out — but would love any suggestions. I had thought of using the musicbox dress and adding puffy sleeves, because that dress has a nice bodice for the design and it’s a pretty easy pattern! But I’m not confident in my ability to draft the sleeves properly!!

    I’d love any suggestions.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Have I mentioned you are a great mother?

    I would recommend the Puppet Shoe dress,sizing up to a 3T to get some length.

    I think you will find the sleeves full enough,but do a double layer to make as one,was it blue under yellow?(we don’t do Disney,but I grew up watching it). Before construction cut out the ”cigarette shapes)in the yellow layer so the blue shows through. Make it up to the pattern but if you are concerned about heat omit the lining and bind the neck.

    I would recommend cotton rich poplin for costumes,its cheap,washes well and comes in great colours.

    janimal @janimal

    You’re sweet Nicole. Delilah is crazy about Snow White these days. We read the story over and over and although we limit her TV time, she does love to watch the Snow White movie. We booked a character dinner so she will get to meet and take pictures with Snow White in DisneyWorld. I think it will blow her little mind! So I HAVE to make sure she has a nice dress!

    For the sleeves, I bought some red ribbon to sew onto the blue to mimic the Snow White look. But I like your idea of doing a double layer for the lower color to show through. Hmmmmm…… Maybe I will buy one of the readymade costumes for her dressup box and see what those sleeves look like. Given the cheap construction of costume clothing, I can’t imagine whatever they do is complex!

    I bought Kona cottons to today. I’ll experiment a bit with the sleeves. I hadn’t thought about omitting the lining. Hmmmmm.

    Liesl Gibson

    My mom and I made S a princess dress last year using a McCall’s pattern (I think?). I made a few adjustments to the pattern to get a better fit, but it was fun to make because the details were rather unique. That little detail over the hips–I forget what it’s called–is a really interesting pattern piece. Here is the post with photos:


    janimal @janimal

    Thanks Liesl. The pink dress is awesome! I considered the costume patterns, and I will go looking for the one you used so I can make some dresses for dress up play. What I want for our trip is something she can wear throughout the day as we check out the park, and my concern is that the costume designs wouldn’t be comfortable or practical in a long length. Which is what got me thinking of the puppet show dress as an alternative – comfortable and light in cotton but still Snow White-like because of the colors and details. Hmm…we’ll see!

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    Could you use an Alice in Wonderland Costume without the apron? The sleeves are similar, but would allow her to move and skip around the park. I agree that the length would be difficult, especially for a little one, but it’s been my understanding that little ones do very little walking in Disney, and are mostly pushed around in strollers.

    Lizabeth @Lizabeth

    Here is a suggestion for the sleeves: create a block of fabric, either blue fabric with strips of red ribbon top stitched in place; or stitch alternating narrow strips of red fabric and wider strips of blue fabric. once you have a rectangle of fabric made, then lay your sleeve pattern on top.

    there was a diagram posted here a while back about how to adjust the fullness in sleeves–I’ll see if I can find it and bump it to the top for you.

    I think the puppet show dress would work fine, however, I also thought of this dress from Kari Mecca’s ‘sewing with whimsy’: http://www.karimeaway.com/products/709 If you click on the ‘see larger photo’ link it shows you that the sleeve has a ‘peek a boo’ inset already: http://www.karimeaway.com/files/TopTurvLG.jpg

    janimal @janimal

    OOh interesting pattern. I like the peek-a-boo inset. With instructions for 1 I could probably figure out how to add more. Hmmm. Thanks Lizabeth.

    My plan for the sleeves so far was kind of like what you suggested, but I was going to place the sleeve pattern piece off the fold to add more fullness. Then sew on red ribbon, and then fold the extra fullness from the off fold cut over the sides of the fabric to peekaboo them a bit. Does that make sense? I would sew the ribbon down and then create a pleat over the ribbon, taking in the extra fullness I added by cutting off the fold.

    meleliza @meleliza

    This might make the task a lot simpler for you: http://www.simplicity.com/p-1522-costumes.aspx Simplicity 2563 Snow White and Cinderella for toddlers and Simplicity 2817 for sizes 3-14, complete with cape and headband.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I have to say, you guys are some inspiring and doting moms. I am taking notes for future reference.

    janimal @janimal

    Thanks Meleliza! I am going to buy those patterns.

    I already cut the pattern pieces for my Puppet Show Dress version. For the sleeves, I’m going to follow Lizabeth’s advice and sew the ribbon down first (then pleat the fabric over it,) before cutting the sleeves.

    I’ll buy or make an “official” costume for her – but even with just looking at the cut pieces, I think I really like the Puppet Show dress as a Snow White outfit. Hopefully I can get it done this week and show you how it worked out.

    Deb @Mynorth
    janimal @janimal

    Well, I had everyone’s advice in mind when I did he sleeves. I decided against using the ribbon, and instead as Lizabeth suggested, sewed strips of red and thicker strips of blue fabric together to make a striped piece of fabric.

    To make them peekaboo, I folded the blue stripes in over the red, and basted them in place, making pleats with the red as the inside of the pleats. I laid the shoulder pattern piece over the folded fabric and cut it. I SHOULD HAVE basted around each pattern piece to keept the pleats in place, that would have made it a bit easier.

    Anyway, the folded pleats added the right amount of fullness, and I was very pleased with the way the red pleats show on the sleeves.

    I did buy some of the patterns that were suggested (thanks all!), so will probably make some other costumes. But I just love that this is a real wearable dress, not a costume. I wish I could figure out how to make Belle’s dress using an O & S pattern!!

    We finally got our wish and Liesl is designing for grownups, but I’m not satisfied, I want Liesl to design EVERYTHING!!!!

    Lizabeth @Lizabeth

    Great work janimal… so delighted to see your completed dress. Congratulations!

    ML @ML

    I bet you could use the bubble dress pattern to make Belle’s dress. Don’t put the elastic in at the bottom. Instead, do vertical elastic or elastic thread to create the “ruching” effect. Kind of like this picture: http://www.flickr.com/photos/61269388@N08/5573402184/in/pool-823620@N22

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