Oliver + S

Proud of myself! Thank you!

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    littlebirdy @littlebirdy

    I wanted to thank you for the “learning to sew with Oliver and S” aspect of your business. I sewed the bed-time story pyjamas last August. They were the first thing I’d ever sewn from a pattern. I’ve worked through quite a few of your patterns since, without any other sewing lessons. I have recently finished making the birthday party dress and I feel a huge sense of achievement – especially since I have toddler twins and a four year old on the loose. The presentation of the patterns is so clear that I can manage to understand them even after a night with very little sleep! You have prevented my brain from turning to mush!!!! I have picked up so many skills I may even venture into sewing something for . . . me!

    Thanks again, everyone at Oliver and S


    p.s. my birthday party dress is proudly on flickr and along with my other Oliver and s projects, blogged about here:


    claireabel @claireabel

    This is so lovely to read. You have made some beautiful things and i really love that little birthday party dress.

    I learnt to sew with O+S too, it has given me amazing confidence.

    Justine J @justmejay

    Ditto! 12 months ago I had never used a pattern without my mum’s help (read: her actually sewing for me!!) – O+S are the first ‘real’ patterns I have used and now other patterns are easily read and accessible! Thanks!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Same here — today I was working on a little trench coat and couldn’t figure out the instructions (they’re not in English) so I peeked at the instructions for the School Days coat (which I’ve yet to tackle). I really feel as thought the investment in the O + S patterns is more than worth it because of the teaching aspect. I am getting value from patterns I haven’t even made yet, how cool is that.

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